Chapter 20

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Valeria's pov

I collapsed on the floor completely exhausted and sweaty. I poured all my recent emotions into this workout. Today I'm supposed to go to the Midnight pack and my main emotion is anxiety.

How will I adapt to the new place? How will I be received or how will people react to the relationship with Lucas? Yeah I mean we're getting better but we're nowhere near what mates usually are when they meet. And I know I can't demand that Onyx be in control all the time.

In things like this, I wish the most that Opal was with me. That I wouldn't have to experience everything alone. To have someone to vent these thoughts with.

Frustrated, I packed my things and headed to the cemetery next. I have to say goodbye to Nathan and Ryan.
As I left the gym, I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around but didn't see anyone, but the first thing that came to mind was the rogues. I wasn't scared, I was mostly annoyed. Why are they obsessed with me?

"Fuck off." I mumbled to myself. If the person watching me is supernatural, they can hear me.

I jumped in the car and continued my journey without any problems.
I was really depressed at the thought that I would no longer be able to visit the graves when I wanted to.

I walked the all-too-familiar route and when I got there I sat next to the tombstone and looked at the landscape. Our pack's cemetery is in a beautiful location, it brings a peaceful atmosphere here.

"Okay guys, I came to tell you that I won't be able to visit you very often anymore. The player Alpha turned out to be my mate, so I'm going to join their pack today." I snorted in annoyance.

"My relationship with Alpha Lucas is not very good, can you imagine? I'm sure you can." I smiled a little.

"He is so infuriating with his big ego that I could have strangled him when we met.
I did get to slap him, it felt so good.
He is possessive and selfish, I can only hope that he proves his worth to me like he promised. Although my expectations are not high for him, but his wolf Onyx is absolutely wonderful. I think I'm already falling in love with him."

I hummed. "Is it strange to fall in love and form a bond with a wolf before a human?"

Deep in thought, I let out a deep sigh and looked up at the sky. "I guess it doesn't matter, it is what it is."

I closed my eyes and dived into my memories. I didn't focus closely on a specific memory, but I quickly went through memories of Nathan over the years. I slowed down as I moved in my memories to the times we three used to spend together and I felt myself smiling.

My memories were suddenly interrupted as I felt Ethan trying to contact me through the mindlink. Now I was annoyed, again.

I opened my mind and immediately Ethan started to ramble.

"Val where are you? That pup is really getting on my nerves. He keeps asking after you and he's getting really restless. Could you come back already?"

"It's best for him to learn that I'm not obliged to tell him everything I do. Tell him I'm coming." I said and closed the link.

I got up and touched Nathan's gravestone.

"It's time for me to go. I love you." I whispered, trying to keep my voice from breaking and hold back the tears.

The journey to the packhouse didn't take long and oh no, Lucas was waiting for me. I couldn't handle this right now.

I got out of the car and Lucas hurried over to me.

"Valeria! Where have you been? You should tell someone where you're going!" He scolded me like a child. What the heck!? Before I could answer he continued

"Wait, have you been crying? Did someone hurt you? Tell me and I'll rip their heads off their sho-"

"Lucas shut up! You give me a headache!" I yelled at him.

"First of all, it's none of your business but I was training and I visited the grave of Nathan and his mate." I glared him.

"Not my business? Of course it's my business to know where you are and with whom, you are my mate! Were you there alone? How can they let you walk alone after all that has happened to you!" He growled.

I growled back much louder and Lucas paled. He knew he had gone too far.

"Sorry, what? You don't know anything about what has happened to me! And you better hammer this into your thick skull." I poked a finger at his chest and continued

"You don't control me. I can and will do what I want and I don't need a babysitter for that! I may not have a wolf but I'm still an Alpha, I can take care of myself!"

I could tell from the look on his face that he didn't like me going against him. His eye color went back and forth as Onyx tried to surface, but Lucas wouldn't let him interfere.

"I may have messed things up, but I also have my limits. If I were you, I would remember that I'm an Alpha too and I won't tolerate your behavior for very long. When we get home you will respect me in front of my pack!" He roared at me. Hmmm wounded ego.

"Respect you? Respect must be earned Mr. Alpha! You don't respect me either. Here, the whole pack respects me. Nathan said I'm not less than the others even though I don't have a wolf and he believed I'd be fine. Unlike you!" I snapped at him.

"Don't compare me to your dead boyfriend!"

He raged and I was so angry I could have knocked his teeth out. But then I would also hurt Onyx..

"There is nothing to compare. You will never rise to the same level as Nathan was." I snarled at him and left.

"Where are you going!?" He yelled after me.

I didn't bother to look behind me and answered.

"To pack the rest of my things. And Onyx better be in control when we leave or you can be sure I won't go with you." I said.

"See you later Alpha." I gave him a middle finger over my shoulder and slammed the front door shut.

Stupid Lucas.

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