14) Don't Lie To Me, Kai

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Song: Drown by Boy In Space

Kai Carter (POV)

The darkness presses in around me as I lie here in my bedroom.
The pain that I'm in, is a constant companion, a weight that never leaves. I try to find some comfort,
in the silence and the still, but the pain is a thief that steals my rest,
and leaves me with nothing but fear.

I tried turning to lie down on my stomach, but I couldn't. The sharp pain in my stomach was a reminder of what had happened as soon as I entered the house after Damien dropped me off.

The night stretches out before me,
a vast and endless sea. And though I long for the dawn to come, I know that it's still far away. So I just lie on my bed in one position thinking.

I thought of every and anything that came to mind. I thought of Damien and the amazing time I had when I was with him. Being with Damien just feels so amazing, like I really don't know how to explain it. I also thought about the conversation that I had with M. Apparently she was a bit worried about me and gave me a couple days next week off even though I practically begged her not to.

Then the thoughts turned a bit darker when I thought about the commotion with my father from a couple hours earlier. My face was like a canvas, painted in red, purple and black bruises. Misery was written all over my face and I reeked of hopelessness.

I don't know when I fell asleep that night, but I know that I was definitely not happy when I did, and I was plagued with nightmares in my slumber.


The high school cafeteria was a symphony of sounds, a chorus of laughter and chatter that echoed all around. The air was thick with the scent of food, a heady mix of spices that can't be subdued. The tables were a sea of colors and shapes, a kaleidoscope of students who come and go like waves. Some are loud and boisterous, full of life and glee, while others are quiet and reserved, lost in their own reverie.

I was sat at my usual lunch table awaiting my friends to arrive. I made it my goal to leave my head down for the entire day so that no one would notice my scars and bruises, and so far, it was definitely working.

"Earth to kai." The voice of Stacy brought me out of my daydream.

I lifted my head in time to see Stacy, Austin and Juan taking a seat. "You ok man? You look like you were in a whole other universe" Said Austin to which I nodded.

"It's not possible for him to be in another universe because there are no other universes. This is the only one." Juan said.

"Don't be so closed minded Juan. I believe that anything is possible." Said Stacy.

"So you believe in the multiverse?" Juan asked.

"There is a possibility that it exists." Stacy answered.

"At least one of you is open minded." Said Austin. "Can you believe that Juan do not believe in aliens? Like how could you."

"There is like zero proof that they actually exist. Unless I don't see one of those green things they show in the movies I will not believe that shit." Juan said.

"There is plenty of proof that they exsist." Stacy said.

"Like what?" Questioned Juan.

"The size of the universe." Said Austin. "There is absolutely no way that we are the only ones in the universe. Like just the milky-way galaxy alone is one hundred thousand lightyears across."

"That's still not enough proof. Let's ask Kai, I know he got a thing for astronomy." Before Juan could ask me any question. "Dude what happened to your face?" He asked pointing at my face and attracting some attention to our table.

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