34) Better Off Broken

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Song: Look Out by James Vincent McMorrow


Kai Carter (POV)

"What is going on? Why is my room in such a mess, and why are there packed suitcases?" I asked as soon as I got down the stairs.

My father stood to his full height and approached me, but I didn't waver. Not this time.

Taking a good look at the man I call my father, he wasn't that much taller than me, and not as scary as I pin him to be. He just looked like an average man.

I've spent so much of my life being scared in a place that I was supposed to feel the safest, and I accepted it because I thought that this was just how life was supposed to be for me. I thought that I was simply made to be sad, and that things are not meant to go my way. I thought that I was the problem, but after being around Damien and spending so much time with him and being so happy around him... I realised that I'm not the problem. And I was not made to be sad. I realised that my life could be happy if I were in the right place.

"What's fucking going on is that I know what's going on. Being gay is one thing, but to practise your sinful acts around my house? That's where I draw the fucking line." Said my demon of a father.

"Sinful acts? What are you talking about?" I questioned in not the friendliest tone, because really and truly I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Don't play fucking dumb Kai." Said my mother. "That boy who always comes to pick you up? The one who you had painted in your room? We know that he isn't just your friend."

"Who Damien?" I questioned.

It took me by suprise that my parents knew anything at all about Damien. I was convinced that they had never even seen him, or any interactions that the two of us had, but I was wrong.

"So that's the faggot name, Damien. It's such a shame. He's actually a handsome young man. Too bad the devil got him in the palm of his hands just like he has you." Said my mother.

Name calling me and hitting me was one thing, but to bring Damien into the conversation was another thing. That kind of language that my mother used to discribe my boyfriend did not sit right with me, and I was going to make sure that she knows it.

"Don't fucking talk about him like that. You know nothing about h-"

The slap I received across my face could probably be heard within a ten mile radius. It was as if my father used all the strength he could muster up, and put it into that single smack. I even stumbled back upon impact.

"Have you lost your fucking mind? How dare you talk to your mother like that you little faggot." He proceeded to slap me on the other side of my face.

"I asked god for a son and he gave me you. At first you were normal and everything was perfect, but then the devil decided to influence you and trick you into thinking that you're gay." My father said angrily.

But then the impossible happened. My father smiled at me? That was an even harder blow than the slap that he had just delivered. And what really had me in shock was the fact that the smile almost looked genuine.

He took a step closer to me and continued. "But after prayer after prayer, God finally heard me and gave me an answer."

"Father Joseph told us about a place that we could take you to be fixed." He said and my mother nodded frantically, agreeing with him. She too was wearing a smile. I swear that I was going insane.

"There is a camp that we can take you to so that you could be fixed. You can be my son again. We could be a happy family again." My mother said happily.

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