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"Oh. My. God. We're about to graduate. Naomi were about to graduate! We did it." Words cannot describe this feeling right now.

The excitement.

The happiness.

The nerves.

"I know right?! We're going out into the real world as college graduates." Naomi gives me another hug and we start jumping up and down squealing.

We probably look crazy but at this moment, I could care less what others think.

I always knew I would graduate, that's just how I am. But this feeling is like no other.

The school's head principal continues to call off names. I fiddle with the ends of a few of the cords I have around my neck.

I have come so far since freshman year, getting a full ride from the dance team, meeting Naomi and the rest of the group, trying new things, and doing things I never imagined.

Figuring things out with my childhood best friend, dating him!

Our two-year anniversary is coming up.

If you would have told me even just 5 years ago I would be DATING Warren Reid I would have looked at you like you had grown a second head.

I feel like I am on top of the world right now. I am so proud of myself, my friends, my boyfriend just everything.

"Naomi Blackford." I snap out of my train of thought and start clapping and hollering for my very VERY best friend in this world.

We have been through so much together, I love her with all of my heart and can't wait to see what she does with her life.

She looks back at me and I blow her a kiss which she returns.

I can hear all of the boys screaming and cheering too, they are probably some of the loudest people in the whole auditorium, most people would be embarrassed if their friends yelled and cheered the way they are but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Linnea Johnson." I take a deep breath before I step up onto the stage. It's dark outside but all of the stadium lights are bright. There have been a lot of "Lasts" this past school year.

Last final, last assignment, last study sesh in the library.

But best of all there have been so many firsts. First time teaching a dance class, my first apartment shopping, my first medical school lecture, and so much more.

I glance into the audience and hear the roars and cheers of all the boys once again, and now Naomi too.

My eyes stop at a particular boy who has the biggest smile on his face ever, he winks at me and I shake my head and laugh a bit.

I grab my diploma and shake many of the faculty's hands before carefully walking down the steps. I would be pissed if I fell down the stairs.

I pick up my walking pace over to Warren and everybody I have the biggest smile on my face ever. I sit next to Warren and hold onto his hand resting my head on his shoulder.

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