chapter 16

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I liked Grey. At first, I thought he was closed off. But now I think there's another side to him I have to uncover.

He seemed really angry about the bruise the goon left on me. I guess we'd deal with that later.

"So Mr. Grey, tell me more about yourself" I asked him, feeling a tad bit more comfortable with him.

He looked to me. "What else do you want to know kid?" He asked me with furrowed eyebrows and his arms crossed together.

"What's your favorite food?"

"Pasta" he answered.

"Favorite hobby?"


"Favorite holiday?"


Hmm I was running out of questions.

"Dooo you have a girlfriend?" I asked him, cheekily.

He smiled "no" that was the first time I saw a genuine smile, and now the big ole tough guy look.


"Because I put my job first and I don't want to compromise that" he said confidently.

I nodded. "Now whose using the textbook answers." I asked him with a small smile.

He laughed again. "Fine kid, you got me there."

The ding of the elevator interrupted our conversation. As the doors opened, my dad walked out looking like an absolute train wreck.

For starters, he was soaked from head to toe. His hair and clothes were both disheveled. As he stepped out of the elevator and walked to us, I noticed the a crimson red substance on his clothes.



It wasn't as apparent on his clothes as it was on his hands and face.

I instantly paled. Was he hurt?

Grey immediately went over to him and began looking him over.

"Relax, it's not mine" he got out as he started taking off layers of his soaking wet clothes.

"Whose is it?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He looked to me and recognition immediately flashed across his face. "Charlotte go to your room" he said as he continued to focus on me.

"What, no you're hurt. Are you okay?" I asked him again, concerned.

"Go to your room, now" he repeated. This time, I didn't argue and instead did what he asked.


The last thing she needed to see was me covered in blood from patching up people the past few hours.

I wasn't sure what she was exposed to yet, but since everything was so fresh, I figured this might be too much for her.

Some of our men were hurt tonight, which was why I was needed. Turned out being a shit show but thankfully every man was saved.

I continued to strip off layer by layer until I was in boxers and my undershirt.

"Go take a shower" Grey told me as he began to put some coffee on the coffee maker.


What if he was hurt. What if something happened to him?

Then where would I go? Foster care? An orphanage?

A million thoughts ran through my head.

I started to get really anxious. I was now starting to get comfortable here. There were so many changes happened in such a short period of time and my life finally started to stabilize.

I can't afford for this to be ripped from me too.

I started to panic and get anxiety. Tears filled my eyes and heavy breaths filled my chest. It was as if a brick was sitting on my lungs, making it harder to breathe by the second.

My body shuddered as I sat on the bed and started to cry.

All of a sudden the door banged open, causing me to scream. Rowan and Grey were both at the door, guns drawn, with serious faces on. When they scanned the room and saw there was no threat, they put their guns away.

My dad immediately came to me concern written all over his face. Grey was right behind him.

He knelt down, his demeanor changing drastically. His face filled with concern as he bent down before me.

"What's wrong Charlotte, are you hurt?" He asked me, worry in his voice.

I shook my head. "N-no, are you okay?" I asked him.

His face softened. "Yes sweetheart, I am." He placed his hand on my cheek and brushed away a few stray tears.

"Nothing happened. It wasn't my blood. Everything's okay sweetheart." He told me in a soft tone as if he was talking to a puppy.

This was the first time I ever saw his caring side.

I don't know what flew through me in that moment, but I sat up from the bed and hugged him tightly.


My heart broke at seeing her tears. She was crying because she thought something happened to me.

Poor child has been through enough.

She hugged me as if her life depended on it. Her tiny body shook as she hugged me with force.

I hugged her back and pulled her closer to me. I placed a small kiss on the crown of her head.

It was in that moment, I knew I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

She was my child. And now my life.

A/N 6/7/23

hiii friends :) hope you're enjoying so far! Thank you for all your support! 🫶 it's greatly appreciated!!

Just a few little updates because I've been getting a ton of questions!

-I know I have 3 unfinished books right now! I'm going to take a break from the other two and focus on one at a time :) this helps me prevent burnout and create new ideas !

-I try to update everyday, but they may be inconsistent! I might take small unannounced breaks here and there : )

-I enjoy reading your comments ! Thank you for showing all your love and support! It gives authors a lot of motivation!

-I hope you're enjoying so far! Stay tuned for more!

-A <3

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