chapter 17

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As my dad held me in his arms, feelings that I never thought I'd experience again came across me.

The feelings of love and safety.

In this moment, I knew, he had become my safe place.

I would savored it for as long as I could.

As we both pulled apart from our embrace, I looked to her and held her face in my hands.

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you. And I promise I will always be there for you." I told her, my voice cracking a little.

it was in this moment, I knew, I would set fire to anything to make sure she was safe.

"Thank you." she said, with heavy emotion in her voice.

later that day...

Grey left us, leaving my dad and I alone for the first time since I was sick.

We never got a chance to sit down yet and actually get to know each other.

So that's what we did.

We ordered sushi to the apartment and both of us sat on the couch with cozy blankets and the food on our laps.

"So is this is the part where we get to know each other." I joked awkwardly.

"Something like that" he smiled as he leaned back on the couch, looking relaxed.

"Well okayy, I'm Charlotte. My grandma used to call me Charlie." I started off. "Since I was a baby, it's been me and my grandma. She supported me my whole life. And she made me the person I am today."

He looked intrigued.

"I like to read a lot as well as write. I did an internship with the Chicago Tribune during winter break once which was pretty cool." I smiled out as I remembered all the memories.

"I'm not really into sports. I get winded from walking up a flight of stairs, but hopefully that'll change soon." I laughed out.

He smiled warmly. "That's okay, we can work on that. You're super tiny. We need to get some muscle on you." he joked out. "You can come work out with us."

"That's a shit show waiting to happen" I told him seriously.

He laughed back. "Don't worry, you'll be fine"

"Tell me about you" I prodded as I took another bite of sushi.

He nodded. "Well, I'm Ronan, incase you didn't know that already" he joked.

"I'm a surgeon. After I graduated high school early, I finished my undergrad in college and then went to medical school. I did a surgical residency and then decided to work for our close family friends." He started off.

"You met Grey so far, whose my closest friend. There's two others- Alex and Luca."

"As for me, I'm pretty basic. I like to box and workout when I'm not working. I occasionally go out with the guys too."

"That's cool." I smiled.

"Are you close with your family?" I asked him, curious.

He nodded. "Yes. My siblings and I are all very close. I have two brothers and one sister."

My aunt and uncles. That felt so foreign to me.

"I'll have to tell them about you soon" he said as he had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Everyone will love you" he said with a warm, confident tone.


It was true.

My entire family would love her. I could see my mom and sister gushing over her. And my brothers protecting her, but also spoiling her rotten.

The only one who my seem weary is my father. He was a very traditional man with the whole "marriage comes first" aspect, but I knew he'd melt in no time.

We'd long finished our dinner and continued to talk. It was getting late at night, and I could see her eyes begin to droop slowly.

"It's getting late, why don't we call it a night? I asked her.

"N-noo I'm awakee" she yawned tiredly.

I smiled. "Whatever you say Char"

I got up and picked up our plates to throw away. When I came back, she was snuggled up on the couch into a tiny ball. I gently picked her up and took her to her room. I made sure she was covered before giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

I might be melting quicker than my father

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