chapter 12

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Cynthia stared ahead of her, watching as kylo and calvin talked. calvin seemed super interested in whatever they were talking about, as he would occasionally smack his lips at something kylo said, or slightly jump up and down as if he was frustrated that kylo wasn't getting his point. cynthia liked how calvin showed how he was feeling with his body language, he seemed to be able to communicate with just that.

Calvin could feel eyes burning into the side of his face, causing him to turn his eyes away from his best friend, to look for the eyes that were staring at him. in only a few seconds, as there was only cassandra and cynthia in the room, he and cynthia locked eyes.

it almost felt like his heart skipped a beat. he enjoyed knowing that she had been looking at him, he only wondered that she was thinking. he watched as her eye brows raised, as she blinked a few times but didn't break eye contact. calvin no longer could hear anything kylo was saying, he had gotten completely lost in cynthia's eye. his mouth partly slightly, before they closed again and he shot her a small smile.

cynthia looked over calvin's whole face as he he stared at her. it seemed like so many things were happening, as his eyes had widened a little and his lips had parted as if he was in deep thought. it seemed to be like that anytime the two made eye contact, and it made cynthia wonder what he thought each time. as he shot her a smile, she slowly folded her lips into one as well. just as kylo noticed that calvin was no longer paying attention to their conversation, as was turning his head to see what had taken his attention, cassandra walked in front of cynthia, breaking her and calvin's eye contact.

cynthia moved her eyes to make eye contact with her cousins, her eye brows furrowing as cassandra gave her a certain look. "what?" cynthia asked, making cassandra roll her eyes.

"don't 'what' me." cassandra had noticed that cynthia and calvin were growing comfortable around each other. she had noticed how calvin's attention went completely to her anytime she was around him, and how cynthia would occasionally look in his direction.. not as much as calvin looked at her, but still. "what's going on with you two?"

cynthia looked at her cousin for a second, wondering if she was going to add onto her sentence or just leave it at that. "umm.. nothing? i think he's my friend, that's all."

cassandra hummed, not believing her one bit. "yeah, and i think he like you."

cynthia moved her eyes back to calvin as cassandra slightly took a small step over, before looking back at her. "we're just friends." she repeated.

although cynthia found the boy attractive, and also believed he had a great personality, there was just something off. she could tell he was a very genuine and sweet person, she'd seen it. but there was something about him that just didn't completely.. have her.

that something, was he wasn't darrian. cynthia liked everything about darrian. not only his looks, but his personality. and although she wouldn't say it out loud, she had enjoyed sneaking out with him and going against her parents. of course she didn't want to see her parents be disappointed in her, but they had tried to make her something she wasn't all of her life, so seeing the looks on their faces when she returned home after running off with darrian was like relief. if she was being completely honest, she liked the thrill she got when she would be out with darrian, david and ethan.

although she wasn't completely happy with some of their decisions or life style, the thrill and excitement she got when she would go with them to hang around the block, or be at the studio listening to them record new music, or going to block party's, it felt amazing to her.

darrian made her life fun, after all of the years of her mom making sure that it was only boring.

without realizing it, cynthia had started picking at her nails as she thought about the boy she had gained feelings for and her two friends. she missed them a lot, and hadn't realized that they had left her mind the last few days.

cassandra watched as her cousin bit her bottom lip, her fingers picking at the skin around her nails. she could tell she was feeling upset, "you okay?" she asked, being cynthia out of her thoughts again.

cynthia nodded her head, humming a yes before moving to sit on her grandmothers couch.

her eyes slowly moved back to calvin, as she continued to bite on her lip. as much as calvin was good looking, he just would never be darrian.

hours had passed, the sun had went down and kylo, cassandra and calvin were all leaving to go home in around an hour or two. darrian still hadn't left cynthia's mind, and it was making her get a headache. she didn't realize what kind of affect the boy had on her.

as her two cousins and calvin sat in the living room on their phones, cynthia walked passed them and out of the front door.

all three of their head had lifted as she passed them, but her cousins only put their head back down as they wanted to give her some space if she was upset or something. calvin, on the other hand, had slowly slipped his phone in his pocket before standing to his feet and followed behind her.

cassandra watched the boy, a smile coming to her face as she knew she was right about him liking cynthia.

cynthia took a deep breathe of the fresh air, hugging her jacket close to her as she looked around. eventually, her head turned to the roof.

as a child, cynthia and her few cousins spent some of their time sitting on the roof taking about all of the memories they had together or just whatever came to mind. cynthia smiled at the memory, before slowly going to the side of the house were there was a ladder, and put it up, slowly placing her feet on it as she began to climb.

as calvin went outside, he looked around for the girl but furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't see her. he wondered if she had walked somewhere, and slowly walked to the side of the house when he heard a few noises. his eyebrows raised as he watched her attempt to climb up the ladder, but mumble a few curse words every time it would move and she was panic, scared it was fall.

he smiled, watching the girl, before slowly walking over and holding the sides of it. cynthia gasped when she saw hands near hers, before slowly realizing when she saw calvins dreads.

she lowly thanked the boy, before continuing to climb up the ladder and once she reached the roof, she moved and sat a little near the edge. she looked back down as calvin who stared up at her.

"you can come up here, if you want." she told him, watching him nod before slowly climbing up the ladder and then sitting next to her.

she looked ahead, looking at all the houses in her grandmothers neighborhood.

"you good?" calvin asked her after a few minutes of silence.

cynthia nodded slowly, turning her head to meet eyes with calvin as he had already been looking at her.

she watched as his eyes slowly left hers, and went down to her lips. calvin licked his lips, making cynthia looked down at them, before quickly looking back up at his eyes.

cynthia watched as calvin put a hand down in between them, before his body slowly leaned in closer to hers.

she took a second to react, before she slowly moved her head forward as well.



how many of y'all gon be mad ab this one


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