chapter 15

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Cynthia stuffed all of her clothes back in her bag, grabbing all the other things she had brought with her as well and putting them in it too.

she had already made the bed, and fixed the room. she wanted to make sure it looked like it did when she first came here.

just as she zipped her bag, the guest room door opened to reveal cassandra. enya had let kylo and cassandra know that cynthia would be leaving early, making them come back to enyas house in time, so they could say bye.

with the week cynthia had been at her grandmothers house, she had hung out with cassandra almost the whole time. it had made cassandra feel like she was younger again, and her and cynthia were just as close as they had been. it made her upset to know that cynthia was leaving early, and that she didn't know if her and cynthia were just going to drift apart again.

cynthia threw her bag on the bed before turning to cassandra who was leaning on the wall, looking at her. cynthia could tell cassandra's mood was off, and it made her feel bad because of that fact, it was because of her.

"you okay?" cynthia asked, though she already knew the answer.

cassandra sighed, "yeah." cynthia and cass had already exchanged numbers, so it gave her a little relief to know she would at least be able to text and call her.

cynthia eyed her cousin, knowing she was lying, but didn't press her about it. she plopped down next to cassandra, her head resting on the girls shoulder.

if cynthia was going to be honest, cynthia was probably going to miss cassandra more than cassandra was going to miss her.

cynthia didn't have much friends, other than the people she had met because of darrian, ethan, and david.. but she only saw them when she was with those three boys. she was close with cass, she truly felt like her closest friend, other than darrian.

"i'm gonna miss you." cynthia spoke, her voice lie and soft.

cassandra put her head on cynthia's, a sigh leaving her mouth. "me too."

cynthia was happy to be going back home. she hoped her grandmother would talk to her mother and maybe things would change, and she would be able to see darrian again. but at the same time, she was upset about leaving.

she just didn't know when she was gonna see her cousins or grandma again, and it upset her.

cynthia thought to herself, before her head rose. "you should come with me."

cassandra just looked at her for a second, "your mom would let me?"

cynthia shrugged, "probably. if not, we can just run away." she said the last sentence in a sarcastic tone.

cassandra laughed, shaking her head. "cynthia."

"i'm joking." cynthia smiled, "i can just ask her."

cassandra nodded her head, watching as cynthia pulled out her phone. she scrolled through her contacts, before pressing her mothers and calling her.

cass listened as it rung a few times, before she answered.


cynthia felt herself become nervous, as she was asking her mother for something when she was in trouble. "um.. hi momma."

"you okay, cynthia?" serenity asked.

cynthia blew out air, tapping her fingers on her leg. "yeah. when i come home, can cass come with?"

the two girls listened as there was complete silence for a few, before they heard a sigh. "i guess."

the two smiled widely, as cynthia thanked her mom before hanging up. cassandra jumped up and down, feeling her upset mood instantly leave.

eventually, cynthia and cassandra walked into the living room, where her grandma, kylo, and... calvin, all stood.

immediately, an awkward feeling was felt as calvin looked at cynthia and she looked everywhere but him.

kylo broke it, by wrapping his arm around cynthia. "imma miss you, cynthie." he smiled down at her.

"imma miss you too, ky." cynthia laughed, as he removed his arm from her and walked back over to calvin.

cassandra informed her grandma, letting her know that she was going with cynthia.

the group of five walked out the house, all piling in the car with cynthia being the last. she stood by the car door, seeing all the seats had been taken as enyas car wasn't the biggest.

cynthia's eyes traveled over to calvin, who opened his mouth to speak but stopped with cassandra grabbed cynthia's arm, pulling her onto lap.

cynthia laughed, but for comfortable on the girls lap.

they stopped at cassandra's house, letting the three teens get out. cassandra ran in the house, trying to hurry and get her things.

kylo leaned in the car, giving cynthia a hug before said goodbye again and slowly walking in the house.

calvin seemed hesitant as he stood by the car, but rolled his eyes and slowly walked closer. "yo.."

cynthia turned her head again, before nodding her head at calvin. "hi."

"i'm sorry about.. yeah. but we can just be friends, you're cool. so can i get ya socials or something?" he seemed nervous to ask.

cynthia didn't know if she should, but she slowly nodded. "it's fine. and uh, yeah."

he held out his phone, and she gave him her instagram. as she gave his phone back, he sent her a small smile. "bye, cynthia."

"bye, calvin." cynthia waved.

enyas eyebrows furrowed, turning to look at cynthia. "what was that?"

cynthia shook her head, "he tried to kiss me."

enyas eyes widened, "what?"

cynthia chuckled, as cassandra ran back out of her house, with her mother following behind her and stopped at the front door.

cassandra's mother said her hellos to both enya and cynthia, waving goodbye to them all as cass closed the car door and enya started to pull off.

cynthia laid her head on cassandra's shoulder, getting comfortable for the twenty-or-so minute ride. she scrolled through her social medias, seeing the notification that calvin had followed her.

as much as she looked at him as a friend, he had tried to kiss her. darrian didn't seem happy about them hanging out, so she wasn't going to follow him back.

about twenty five minutes had passed, cynthia and cassandra were in mid-conversation as cynthia told her about ethan, but both stopped when enya spoke

"cynthia, what's darrians address?" 

cynthia's eyes squinted, "why?.."

"you want to see him, right?" enya asked.

cynthia blinked a few times, glancing over at cassandra who was smiling really wide. cynthia told enya ethan and david's address, as she knew darrian was at their house because of david instagram live about ten minutes ago.

as the car got closer and closer to the reyes home, cynthia felt herself becoming nervous and excited all at once.

the car finally came to a stop, and cynthia and cassandra got out. enya let cynthia know that she was going to talk to her mom, which cynthia thanked her for, before enya pulled off and cynthia slowly walked up to the door, which cass following behind her.

she knocked, rocking back and forth a little.

cassandra laughed, "why are you nervous?"

that's what cynthia was wondering. "i don't know."

the door opened, and cynthia met eyed with david. "yo— cynthia?"


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