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Jungkook had always felt like he was on the outside looking in when it came to his family.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon had always been strict with him, but it wasn't until he was older that he realized just how twisted their methods truly were.

Mr. Jeon had been determined to raise a successful son, and he believed that emotion was a weakness that needed to be eliminated.

From a young age, he had drilled it into Jungkook , and he needed to be cold and calculating at all times.

Showing any kind of emotion was met with scoldings and punishments.

Mrs. Jeon, on the other hand, had a different agenda.

She was determined to keep Jungkook on a tight leash so that he wouldn’t be distracted from his studies and career.

She constantly monitored his every move, making sure he was spending his time on productive activities.

But perhaps the most disturbing part of their parenting style was their obsession with Jungkook’s future marriage.

They didn’t care about his happiness or personal feelings – all that mattered was that his partner was wealthy and influential.

Jungkook tried his best to comply with his parents’ wishes, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

He wasn’t happy with the cold, emotionless shell he had become, and he couldn’t stomach the idea of marrying someone purely for their money and status.

It wasn't until he met Taehyung who made him feel alive – who made him realize what he had been missing in life – that Jungkook finally took a stand against his controlling parents.

It was a difficult and painful process, but he knew he couldn’t continue living his life according to their twisted expectations.

“Mr. Jeon, I would like to speak to you alone.”

The doctor requested the male who kissed the sleeping Taehyung’s forehead and left the room.

“Is something wrong with my husband?”

Jungkook asked, his body tense as he waited for an answer.

“Look, I think your husband consumes something he was not supposed to during his pregnancy.”

The doctor said, causing Jungkook to frown.

“What would that be, doctor? I made sure he ate according to the diet plan.”

Jungkook replied with a fear hidden deep inside that he caused Taehyung’s miscarriage unintentionally.

“There was papaya content found in his system, I am guessing a papaya milkshake since the content was milky.”

The doctor explained as Jungkook’s eyes widened with shock because both Taehyung and him knew papaya was a no-no, which is why he had bought a strawberry milkshake for him Yesterday.

“Excuse me for a minute.”

Jungkook grits his teeth, pulling out his phone.

He has an idea of what happened.

He pressed the call as he waited for the other person to answer.

“Hello? Jungkook, where are you?”

He heard the voice that he began to hate deeply.

“Why did you do it, mom?”

Jungkook mutters, keeping his emotion in check.

He couldn’t believe his mother would go to the extent to kill his unborn son.


She mutters, pretending to be confused like she didn’t see an ambulance parked outside their house a few hours ago.

“Fucking stop lying, just stop.”

Jungkook screamed into the phone as tears streamed down his face, yet his face was stoic.

“I saw the footage.”

Was all he said before cutting off the phone and returned to Taehyung.

Jungkook was devastated when he saw the footage when she mixed papaya juice into the milkshake, if he had checked the footage before when had his doubts about his mother then all of this wouldn’t have happened.

"I am so s-sorry, love." He murmurs as he kisses Taehyung’s forehead softly.

He had no idea that Taehyung was struggling so much and felt guilty for not being there for him.

He will immediately take charge of taking care of Taehyung and make sure he has everything he needs to heal both physically and emotionally.

To be continued

When his cold husband cared for him after he had a miscarriage.Where stories live. Discover now