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Kundadri Hills, Kadamba Rajya
Dwapara Yuga

Perched on a smooth boulder by the river, Kruthavarma immersed himself in the symphony of rushing waters, a tranquil lullaby echoing as they cascaded over rocks and pebbles. Sunlight played upon the river's surface, crafting a shimmering pathway that mirrored the vast sky above.

As the cool water lovingly caressed his feet, he absorbed the enchanting scene before him. His fingers instinctively tapped a tuneless melody on the rough surface, a manifestation of his restless energy.

Kruthavarma embodied passion, his exuberance radiating from within. He couldn't keep still, his hands seeking any surface to drum upon, his feet bouncing with restless energy.

Engaging in physical activity granted him a brief respite from the torrent of racing thoughts that besieged him from all angles. He yearned for that tangible connection to reality, a grounding force to anchor him. During his youth, his uncle and aunt had provided that stability, and during his teenage years, his closest friend and lover had been his steadfast companion, keeping him firmly rooted in the present.

The allure of sword fighting held him captivated, enticed by the resonating swish of blades slicing through the air and the resounding clanging of weapons. The mere sight of his mentor training with their disciple left him utterly spellbound, eyes fixed on the deadly symphony that unfolded before him.

It was a harmonious blend of agile and graceful movements, where the fighters, akin to lightning incarnate, moved with lethal precision, their every action a testament to their expertise. The gleaming swords they wielded carried an air of purpose, leaving behind ethereal trails of ominous intent.

As Kruthavarma observed, his own heart raced with a heady mix of exhilaration and awe, wholly captivated by the sheer intensity and artistic finesse that unfurled before his eyes.

However, despite the vibrant energy that consumed him, no amount of drumming could dispel the thoughts that now haunted his mind.

He was about to reunite with his beloved Chandran after years of separation, his moon, his star, and his entire universe. The distance between them may have kept them apart, but Kruthavarma knew that his heart had always belonged to Chandran.

Yet, uncertainties plagued him. Would Chandran still love him? When their eyes met again, would they still sparkle with affection? Could he still evoke that look of adoration that hid behind Chandran's stoic face and the shy smile reserved only for him?

These questions tormented him, causing sleepless nights filled with worry and doubt. He didn't know how he would cope if Chandran rejected his love, dismissing it as mere teenage infatuation.

And now, he had a little brother, just like he had always wished for. Life hadn't been easy for him since his parents passed away when he was a little child, and his aunt and uncle, who had taken care of him, couldn't have children of their own. But finally, their prayers had been answered by Mahadeva, and his heart swelled with happiness for them.

The letter from his aunt practically oozed joy as she poured out her love for his brother. She couldn't contain her excitement, gushing about every little thing his brother said or did. Reading those words filled his heart with warmth, knowing that his aunt's love for his brother was overflowing.

They deserved all the happiness in the world, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by his brother's arrival. His heart ached for the pain of separation that his brother had experienced, yet he was amazed by his talent for creating a new art form. He hoped with all his might that he could become someone his younger brother could look up to, someone who would make him proud.

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