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A week later

Hazel's pov:

Mom is okay now I'm going back to my apartment. I don't want to leave her alone but she insisted so that I've no choice.

Alex hasn't replied yet. It's been a week since I met him. I'm missing him but I don't have courage to text him again. What if he ignore me again?


I'm at my apartment now..
Emma is gone. The apartment looks very empty. I'll miss her and her food.

I took shower.I made food for myself. It was not as tasty as Emma's food but it was okay.

"...Hmph..." I'm getting bored.

Ding dong.

It's 8 in the evening, who will be there at this time?

I opened the door. And Alex was the one at the door. He didn't even give me time to say anything, to ask anything. He hugged me as soon as I opened the door. He hugged me for like 10 minutes. I didn't say anything and neither did he.

"Damn Hazel, I missed you." He said finally.

I blushed.


"Don't say anything even not a word..
Just give me a smile." He said.

And I smiled. For him.

"Where were you? For whole damn week?" He asked me putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Uh..! I was at my mom's home. She was sick." I said.
I was blushing the whole time.
He missed me?
I missed him too. Why didn't he reply me then?

"Is she okay now?" He asked.

"Y-yes she's fine."

"Okay Hazel, let's go." He said suddenly.


I raised my eyebrow.
After a long pause he said, "maybe ..a date.."

I was shocked. And it was showing on my face.

"Yes!" He said holding my hand while going out.

"Wait Alex!"
He turned and made a confused face.
"Atleast, let me be ready. I'm in my pajamas now."

But he took me out just like that. In my pajamas.


We are in a cafe now with our coffee which is kept on our table. And he's just looking at me.

All the girls in the cafe were looking at Alex. But Alex was just looking at me. In my pajamas. How romantic, isn't it?

We talked a lot. We joked and laughed. It was really fun. Suddenly a random question pop up in my mind.

Why is he doing all this? Why are we on a date? Do I mean something to her? Does he love me?

All these questions were running in my mind. Suddenly Alex quipped. And I came out of my deep thoughts.
I mustered up the courage to finally ask him.

"Alex?" I said in a very slow voice.

He hummed in a reply.

"DO YOU LOVE ME?" I asked.

"........" A long silence.

He was looking everywhere but me.
Suddenly he looked shocked. I wanted to look at the direction Alex was looking but.....

He stand up and started to walked out of the cafe without saying anything.
He didn't reply. He didn't reply anything.
Did I just get dumped. What the hell is this?

And I'm still sitting here dumbfounded.


After holidays

In college

I was not talking to Alex since that date. He also approached me several times but I ignored him. And this whole week I kept thinking that why did he ignore my question?
He didn't even reject me.

"Oh stop it! Are you a fool?" I thought.

"What's wrong with you and Alex? Did something happen between you two?" Emma asked.

"Ah! Nothing."
She wasn't satisfied with my answer but she hummed.

"It's time for the class. Let's go Hazel." Emma said.

We're in class. Alex was giving me a sad look. But I looked away.

"Hello students! I'm your new teacher for this year. Nice to meet you!"
"She's your new classmate. A transferred student. She'll complete her studies in this college from now on."

"Introduce yourself to the class" teacher said to the new student.

"Hello! I'm Sophia. Nice to meet you all."


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