Part 9

5.9K 79 12

The cops arrived as the boys waited outside the house.

The officer was John Davis.

"I got a domestic abuse call. Along with a request of ambulance. Is that correct?"

Vince rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath.

"We don't need an ambulance."

The officer raised a brow.

"What was that, young man?"

Nicholas shoved his elbow into Vince's side and he winced in pain.

"Ouch, man, What the hell!"

"He didn't say anything sir."

Nicholas said as he stepped in front of Vince.

The officer frowned and put away his notepad.

"So can you explain to me what happened from the top?"

Nicholas nodded and started to explain.

"We ran into Vivian at the liquor store-"

"Vivian Verline?"

Luca frowned before answering the officer.

"Zhu. Her last name is Zhu."

The officer looked at him and nodded, before Nicholas continued to explain.

"She was there because her father sent her to buy him alcohol. Forced her of course. As you can see, if she doesn't bring what he asks for, it doesn't end well."

The officer tensed and nodded.

"I see.."

"She was pretending to be an older woman so she could buy the alcohol, and by the looks of it, she was a familiar at the store so he never even asked her for ID. "

Another officer walked up and stood next to officer John.

"We accidentally blew her cover and he kicked her out after realizing she was under age. She got home and we were going to leave, but a friend of mine suggested that we wait a bit longer."

He frowned.

"He never told us why, but he's our bud, so we did. A few minutes later she screamed out his name and we rushed in to see her bruised and bleeding on the ground. So we kicked his ass and called you guys."

The officers stood there blinking, not believing a word he just said.

They were shocked and confused.

"If this is true, where's Vivian?"

The boys looked at each other.

"I think he carried her to the hospital."

The two officers looked at one another before looking back, even more confused.

"So you just let him walk away.. with a bleeding girl in his arms... and didn't ask where he was going?"

The boys all looked at each other again, before Nicholas looked back at the officers and shrugged.


Officer John sighed before picking up his radio.

"How old is he?"

Zac spoke up, still wiping the blood off his hands.


"Dispatch this is officer G403, at the scene of the DV incident at coordinate 0300-47-63. There is an 18 year old male walking around with an unconscious 17 year old female. Do we have sightings or medical record for any information matching these two persons in the last hour?"

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