Lord Krishna

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Lord Krishna is a major deity in Hinduism and one of the most widely revered and popular of all Indian gods. He is often depicted as a handsome young man with dark blue or black skin, playing a flute and surrounded by cows and cowherd friends.

Lord Krishna's life and teachings are described in the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, and in the Bhagavata Purana. His life is full of miracles and divine acts, including the famous episode of lifting the Govardhan mountain to protect the people of Vrindavan from torrential rains, and the Bhagavad Gita discourse with Arjuna.

Lord Krishna is worshipped by millions of Hindus around the world and is considered a symbol of love, devotion, and righteousness. His teachings emphasize the importance of duty, righteousness, selfless service, and devotion to God. His birthday, known as Krishna Janmashtami, is celebrated by Hindus with great devotion and enthusiasm.

Lord Krishna was known by people living in other countries during Mahabharata but, there are no much written records available to prove it because no other civilization was much advanced during that time period to record the events of great war.

Lord Krishna was known by people living in other countries during Mahabharata but, there are no much written records available to prove it because no other civilization was much advanced during that time period to record the events of great war

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