Chapter 31 - First day of Classes

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Dona looked at Lucas and said, " Alrighty, Since you allowed me to call you by Luke and so far you have saved me on multiple ocassions , I will gladly help you out but there is one condition, you will have to be a part of our group and always attend the discussion and meeting held by us.. "

Lucas smiled genuinely at her words and said, " For sure. I can definitely agree to those terms. " but the look on Cassius and Winston's face after hearing their conversation was a scene to behold as if they are ready to murder him at any moment for taking advantage of Dona. 

Dona said excitedly, let's all get along well together and learn new things while we all enjoy our academy days in here.

With this, everybody finished their dinner and headed for the dorm room, calling it a day.

The next morning, the entire gang woke up early in the morning to grab their classes schedule for the semester from the dorm warden and be on their way to cafeteria to have breakfast and discuss their classes just as they decided to do so the previous night when they parted ways. 

Adonis, Hazel and Liz were the first one to show up at the cafeteria. Soon enough, the rest of the group along with tower mage - Lucas showed up and found where the girls were seated and joined them. 

Adonis was the first one to start a conversation, " Good Morning everyone. I hope you all have your schedules for the classes with you now? "

Ash replied, " Of course Dona. "

Winston added, " Let's all tally which classes we will be in together. " 

Liz smartly replied, " We all have 1 class in common which is the basic normal magic attribute owner class. The question is which other classes we will be together in. "

Dona replied, " Right Liz.  I noticed that the lightening and darkness classes are together while creation and destruction are together from the legendary attribute. As for the high ranking attributes, the classes for Shadow and shapeshifting are together while healing and teleportation classes are held individually. " 

" So, I know all of your attributes since we were all present in the Attribute testing events. It's going to be so much fun. "

" Let's finish our breakfast and head towards the first basic class for normal attributes holder. In short everyone will be present in the class. I heard we will be having a class of 15 students per batch. Let's hope we are all together. "

With this, everyone finished their breakfast and headed together to their very first class. 

Everyone entered the class and went to grab a seat for themselves for the class. Liz and Dona were seated together while Luke and Zay were seated together, Hazel sat with Winston, Ash with his twin Cass were seated together. 

Once the seating arrangements were finished, a noble lady with sharp pointed eyes along with the carefree personality gentleman entered the classroom and seated together. Dona looked at Liz and asked her, " Who are they? "

Liz replied non-chalantly saying, " She is princess margaret from the neighbouring kingdom and the one with her is the crown prince and her brother Felix. " 

Dona nodded her head in understanding after listening to Liz. 

Soon enough the teacher arrived in the class and introduced him as the teacher for this semester. " Good morning students, my name is Ralph and I will be teaching you on how to use your common elements and manipulating those elements to use your other attributes. "

" In today's class, I will be teaching you basic knowledge of the attributes and will end with an assignment you will have to finish by tomorrow. Any questions so far? "

As nobody speaks up or asked anything, Ralph continued his class for the day. 

" First of all, the world is made of 4 common elements which is fire, earth, wind and water which can be used as a base to enhance your other magic skills. Along with this 4 elements we have some other which helps in the formation of the worlds which I prefer to call them as secondary normal and basic attributes. These are Metal and nature. "

" Now you all might be thinking, these are the common attributes how can they help in enhancing your other legendary attributes or higher rankiong attributes ,right? " 

Everyone present in the class nodded their head and said, " Yes. "

" As long as you enhance your skills in the normal attributes and rise in the level, you will be able to use them to your other attributes. "

" You might not know this but based on the amount of mana you have stored in your body, that mana will help you rise in the level and reach the higher level. There are in total 5 levels where Level - five is the highest of all. Apart from that, there are 3 types or forms of magic which can be classified into solid, liquid and gaseous in state. "

" Once you achieve your mana types and level of magic user, you will be able to manipulate the form of magic where water users will be able to turn water into ice or crystals of ice which is the solid form of water magic. Similarly with the other normal attributes as well. " 

" The highest level of mana so far in the history we have had recorded was 6 digits for the person who fought in the war and was a great martyr - Prince Amadeus and after him came the other prince and best friend of Prince Amadeus, Prince Benedict. "

" The other terms used for the mana can be said as HP an acronym for the health points. If you are drained from all the mana your HP decreases and it can be dangerous for the survival at that point. " 

" The mana for all the magic users is like the health of a regular person. When one is devoid of mana then it can be a condition where they are compared to a disease stricken ill/sick person which eventually dies. " 

" Now, I know you all might be thinking how can we improve or increase our mana. To answer that, we can store our mana in the body by actively allowing that mana to flow in your body as if the blood flows. " 

" Just by circulating your mana throughout your own body will help your mana regenerate like the cells. You will find yourself being pulled towards the centre of the body while circulating the mana. That is you allowing your mana to be stored in the mana pool for emergency situations. "

" Remember one thing, you can store as much mana as you want according to your body capacity but never make the mistake of using all of your mana and draining yourself void of mana. The body can regenrate the mana but once it is void of mana there are high chances for you to go into comatose and never wake up. " 

Ralph asked the students, " Are we clear?? "

The students replied in unison, " Yes sir. " 

Ralph carried on with the class and like promised, he gave all the students an assignment to finish by tomorrow, " I want all of you to note down your mana points/HP and also I want you all to mention the levels of the mana and what level you all are on at the moment? "

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