Chapter 38 - Adonis and Aurora.

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Lucas stayed back at the end of the class and asked professor Augustus, " Professor, my attribute is of creation but you have me in Destruction group along with Adonis and Crown Prince Zavier. How am I going to help with the task? "

Professor Augustus smiled at Lucas and said, " You are going to be the next tower mage, right? Think of this task as your practice lesson. I am pretty sure you will be able to overcome it. Plus, you are in creation which means that you can think and train your mind to reverse the process of the creation. I have faith in you so have a bit of faith in your self as well. "

Lucas nodded and thanked the professor before exiting the class.

After classes, Adonis turned towards Aurora and said, " Hello, I am Adonis Harper Winfred. I am glad to meet you. Let's get to know each other better since, we will be together in our classes. "

Aurora smiled and replied, " Hello Adonis, I am Aurora De Agelastos. It's an honour to meet you and to know you personally. I have heard a lot about the tales of your accomplishments in your kingdom. I really admire you and it's like a dream come true for me to be in the same class as you. I am thrilled to make your acquaintance. "

" I have especially grown fond of you when I came to know of your heroic deeds on how you saved the crown prince and princess from the assassination and risked your own life. Everyone in my kingdom is aware of your story and later we all came to know that you are the one and only person in history ever so far to possess all the four legendary attributes. "

Adonis was embarrassed listening to the praise for herself from the girl in front of her and said, " Oh, I didn't do anything as such to deserve your compliments. Trust me. I am pretty sure anyone would have done the same thing as I did if they were in my shoes. "

Aurora smiled at her humbleness and said, " You know, it take a lot of braveness and courage to do what you did back then. It's not an easy task to accomplish something and be unharmed while saving 2 precious lives. "

Adonis had a painful look on her face for a moment before she spoke her next words, " I wasn't completely unharmed from the inicdent but that's the story for the next time. For now, let's explore the Academy and fulfill our task for the day but before that, can you please excuse me for a minute? I need to seek someone and demand answers from them. I will be back before you even notice my absence. "

Adonis winked looking at Aurora before leaving her alone to find Lucas whom she saw exiting the class a bit earlier when she excused herself from Aurora. So, she could approach and ask him the reason for his behaviour.

Soon enough Adonis found Lucas and approached him, " Hey, how are you doing today? "

Lucas looked at Adonis and replied monotonous, " Hi, I am good, how are you? "

Adonis looked at Lucas, was a bit unhappy on him using such a tone while answering her. Without giving a second thought to it, she lost her whatever thin shred of patience she had and snapped at him while outright asking him, " Oh come on now. What's wrong with you today? Why are you avoiding me and not talking to me like before? Did I do something to make you upset? For god's sake, tell me why you are behaving like this? "

Lucas was a bit stunned at Adonis's outburst and started roaring with laughter. Listening Lucas laugh heartily at her anger, Adonis frowned a bit and pouted her lips. Once Lucas calmed down from his laughter, he looked at Adonis and said, " I am just being a bit grumpy. Maybe because I slept in a different bed than my usual making my back sore. That's why I was not in a good mood and didn't talk to you but thanks to your sudden outburst, I laughed a lot. "

Adonis smiled at Lucas's explanation and said, " I am glad that we talked and cleared everything out. I know you usually don't talk with people even if it's to clear a misunderstanding. "

Adonis then teased to Lucas by saying, " Maybe you suffered a sore back because you didn't come to wish me a good night. I was actually hoping that you will show up once before going to bed and I was eagerly waiting for you. "

Lucas was once again stunned at how frankly Adonis spoke and replied back hesitatingly, " Actually, I did came to see you before heading to bed but before I could approach you, I saw you and Prince Felix together in a soothing trance that I decided not to disturb you and headed back without any Good night greetings. "

This time it was Adonis who was stunned at his answer and said, " I didn't know that. "

Adonis further added, " Hold on a minute, I was actually admiring moon last night when I heard footsteps, at first I thought it was you but when I opened my eyes and saw Prince Felix, I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't you but instead I talked to him. Coincidentally, he was also there to wish me and his sister good night before hitting bed. "

Lucas pondered for a moment at Adonis's words and murmered sadly in a slow voice, but you looked very happy with him.

Adonis heard what Lucas said and laughed a bit before saying, " You know I said to him that the moon looks so serene and peaceful and I wished that one day we will all have the same serenity and peacefulness in our lives. To which Prince Felix agreed and imitated to what I was doing which was technically basking in the glory of moon's light. "

Adonis teased again, " Now, I know why Mr. Lucas was grumpy today. "

Lucas in returned teased her again and asked her, " And what do you think for the reason Miss Winfred? "

Dona replied, " Well for starters I would like to think that it was because you didn't get to wish me good night and also because you were jealous that someone beat you before you could wish me. "

Lucas's facial expression was ironic that Adonis burst out laughing saying, " Seems like I hit the nail right on the spot. "

" Now, let's head to go finish out our assignments together. After all we are in the same team and group now. Let's nail this assignment together. "

Lucas laughed at Adonis's enthusiasm. As if her enthusiasm was contagious, he replied back, " Yes, let's finish this assignment and ace it but before we do that, let's find our classmates and start this journey together. "

Adonis frowned a bit at the mention and sudden reminder of her task to find her classmates but immediately recovered and said, " Let's find them together. I am sure we will be able to accomplish this task if we work as a team. "

With this both Adonis and Lucas started their journey to find their classmates first before they could start planning on how they could finish the assignment.

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