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Zion Morozov

Finally, the man left and Kaia looked at me.

"That took forever." She whispered.

"You're really feeling the drinks Hm?" I smiled.

She nodded, her eyes heavy.

"I'm not a party girl. I'm tired." She murmured.

I laughed.

"That's alright."

"I want to sleep. I can see two of you, my eyes are crossing." She blinked profusely, trying to focus on me.

"Sleep then." I answered.

"No that's embarrassing."

"Better than being shitfaced and throwing up before you pass out." I offered.

"Oh my gosh. So true!" She laughed, a little snort on the end of it.

She laid her head back on her chair then groaned.

"Why isn't it cushion? I should sue you."

"Oh yeah? For what?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Putting a kink in my neck. Giving me a migraine with your irritating control problems."

I laughed.

"I'm pretty sure that's the alcohol that's doing it." I tried.

"I want another shot before I pass out." She told me.

"Well if I allowed that, you could nap in my office." I said.

"Deal. Help me up." She held out her hand and I stood, grabbing her wrists gently as I lifted her.

"Thank you, my good sir." She sighed.

"These heels hurt like a bitch even though they're beautiful." She pulled them off her feet and began walking to the bar.

She asked for another shot and he gave it to her before she downed it, her body shivering.

"Bleh! Jesus. My teeth are too hard." She looked at me.

I laughed. "Come on."

She came with me to my office.

"I can put something on the ground or you can sleep on my chair?" I offered.

She dropped the heels, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Neither of the options sound suitable for a bougie bitch such as myself." She laughed into my chest and I sighed.

"Well I have some paperwork to do. You're holding me up a bit, Printsessa."

"You don't care about me?" She frowned, her eyes tearing as she looked up at me.

"I didn't say that."

"It's the same thing!" She whined.

"How many drinks did you have?"

"A lot."

"You can decide where you want to sleep, but I do need to take my chair."

"You're so mean."

"I know." I kissed her forehead as I gently walked to my desk, sitting down.

"I can have Alec take you home or deliver blankets if you want to nap here?" I offered.

"No." She walked to me, her hands on my shoulders as she worked to straddle me in my chair.

"I don't think you should do that, you're drunk-"

"Shhh your voice is turning me on. Stop talking." She whispered, her hands clutching the sides of my shirt as she laid her head on my chest.

I, for the first time, was speechless.

I sat still, never in this predicament.

"Hold me." She whispered into my shirt.

Is this considered cuddling? Is this what that is?

I wrapped my arms lightly around her and held her as she said.

Her weight became more as she relaxed.

I waited 10 minutes before I moved, grabbing my phone.

I called Alec.



"Kaia is drunk, she fell asleep on me, are you willing to run some errands for me?" I asked.

"Sure, is she alright?" He asked in his very white-American washed Russian.

"She's fine, but she didn't eat anything so could you go to the grocery store and get bagels with cream cheese, a bunch of ripe bananas, milk, a case of water, and a box of cereal or something as well as Asprin?" I asked.

"Alright hold on." He said and he repeated some words I said, making sure he translated them right.

"That's all? Do I place them in her house?"

"Yeah. Thank you." I said and I pulled up the camera I had in her penthouse living room.


Is that creepy? Yes.

Did I give a fuck? Absolutely not.

I called my assistant Tracy.

"Mr. Morozov."

"I'll give you a $800 bonus if you do me a favor."

"What's up?"

"My files. Can you fill them out for me and get them in by midnight?"

"How about 2 am?"


She hung up and I sighed.

I was tired as well but too into this to fall asleep.

I just enjoyed the weight of her on me, having her in my space completely.

This was therapy. It brought out a set of nerves and heart rate I've never felt before.

So for the time being, I'd savor this.

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