Like you

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Zion Morozov

I smiled, sitting on her couch while she got ready.

She was upset.

Today she was killing the 3 men that were found.

She knew. She wasn't... too bad but she was clearly distressed.

I told her to dress nice, we had a dinner party after. I had to teach her how to keep it classy and move along like it didn't happen.

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I smiled at how beautiful she looked regardless of her annoyed expression as she adjusted her necklace

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I smiled at how beautiful she looked regardless of her annoyed expression as she adjusted her necklace.

"You must really be upset. You put your own shoes on." I stood and she huffed lightly, lifting her chin as she walked past me without sparing a glance.

And she opened and shut her own door.

And put on her own seatbelt.

And turned herself away from me.

I smiled, amused more than I could be annoyed.

She got out of the car herself after the silent car ride and stomped her way into the warehouse.

"I don't want to." She crossed her arms.

"That's quite unfortunate especially because I don't particularly care." I grabbed my gun, cocking it and handing it to her.

"Don't point it at me!" She frowned.

I smirked, pressing it against her chest.

She clearly looked scared.

"What will it take? I could of course get you those high top heels you love in every color. I could get you a sparkling black G-wagon. I could fuck you really good, keep your head straight with that. I could hand you my black card and let you have your way with lingerie. What would entice you to do as you must?" I stepped forward, the tip of the gun still pressed to her chest.

She didn't back up, rather she lifted her chin and smiled.


"Yes to what?"

"All of it." She grabbed the gun, turning and shooting all the men straight on in the head.

Eye shot. Forehead. Forehead.

Perfect and without attempted aim.

She then pressed the splintering hot tip to my chest.

I didn't move although the pain stung severely.

"And soon. Pretty please?" She pouted, dropping the gun as she walked past me, leaving.

I laughed.

Walking to the car she patiently waited by the door although the car was already unlocked.

"Are you getting over your bratiness?"

"Something like that." She nodded as I opened her door and she got in.

I buckled her, getting in my side.

"I hated doing that." She told me.

I patted my lap and she brought her legs up to rest in my lap.

"You were good at it."

"Alec took me to lessons the past two weeks."

"Oh yeah?" I felt my heart spike in rate, blood rushing and hammering into my ears.

"He told me to show you how good I got. That you'd be proud of me." She murmured.

"We're you hoping I would be or are you just telling me what he said?"

"I know you're mad. Because we didn't tell you. But he's helping me get better at swallowing the guilt of hurting people like that."


"It was my idea. I wanted him to teach me."


"Can you relax please? Your hurting my ankle." She said and I looked down, relaxing my hand as I rubbed over it, letting myself get carried away with the silky feeling of her legs.

"I want to be what you want me to be. That's why. I know you're manipulating me and it's working. I know your being possessive and jealous because you want me to know what it's like to be owned. If you're not letting me go, why would I try to run when I'd be found anyway? You're a toxic, selfish, narcissistic asshole." She said.

"Thanks." I scoffed.

"But I like you. I like not worrying about taking care of my basic needs. I like dressing up and being able to do what I'd like without a bizarre amount of effort. I like being spoiled and getting away with having an attitude instead of being so happy go lucky all of the time. It's freeing."

"Is that why you like me? Because I give you things?" I asked, parking in front of the restaurant.

She sighed, removing her legs as she leaned forward.

"No. I like you because I feel like me with you. You let me watch shows and drag me with you everywhere. I like you because you care for and about me. You amuse me. You help me understand my surroundings. You keep me safe. Although it seems incredibly creepy sometimes, I love myself more when I'm with you. I think that's a good sign right?"

"Good sign..." I nodded, trying to grasp it.

"Stop misunderstanding me. I'm not good with words."

I sighed, looking at her.

She was so pretty it angered me.

I nodded.

She leaned in, kissing me softly.

Hunger washed over me. I needed her under me, my erection pressed against her before it was inside of her.

I needed her to feel every inch.

To take every inch.

I know it's gonna hurt her at first but she's mine. It's gonna work.

"Let's go inside." I whispered.

She nodded.

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