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The autumn crisp air flows through my body as I'm sitting on a bench swinging my feet back and fourth.

School had just started up again last week, I'm a senior! I've always wanted to be a senior ever since I started kindergarten.

My brothers always adored me growing up, The oldest was Dylan, his close friends call him Dee. He's always been overprotective of me. The middle was Theodore, or we call him Theo. He's a very quiet and independent person, but very loud when he's comfortable.

The second middle was Luke, People always thought Luke was a nickname for Lucas, but my parents decided to call him, 'Luke' I still think till this day Lucas would have been better. The second youngest was Levi, he matched my energy to the point of waking everyone up at 3 in the morning by banging spatulas against pans

The youngest was me. Daniella, or Dani, sometimes Ella. My brothers adored me so much to the point where they all have baby photos in there phone cases of me. They always watch over me at school as well.

Everyone thinks I'm the nerdy quiet girl, they never notice I'm there, to the point where I get shoved around like a basketball.

My brothers on the other hand, they were popular, not to hard to miss because of their tall scary height. 6 foot while I was 5'3 they aren't to much taller than me, but they are still taller.

Then we have their friends, ever since they were 3-4 they have been tight close friends. They have never argued once.

Connor, annoying, loud, and rude all at the same time. He's always picking on people. Calling them names, and laughing at them. Sometimes I feel bad.

Jayden, me and him were close, we have been best friends ever since, well when he met my brothers. He matched my energy, was kinder than Connor, and was a super smiley person.

Alex, I never really talk to him, but we have sort and small conversations from here to there. He's funny sometimes, but still rude to others. I don't understand how people could be rude to people you don't even know.

Ugh last is Chase, I hate him. Honestly there was never really a reason why to why we hated each other, but we didn't need a reason, one day we just started arguing then that leaded to hating each other later on.

I hate him with everything built inside of me, his Attitude, his rudeness, the way he glares at me, the way he's so fucking stupidly hot.

His black hair resting perfectly on his forehead, his gray dull eyes, he sharp jawline that could possibly cut paper, as he was taller than everyone else in the group, 6'4 I was maybe only up to his elbow?

His stupid remarks towards me just makes me want to rip his heart out of his chest, why did he have to be my brothers friend?

I walk back home enjoying the cold but warm air. Stepping on a few leaves making the 'crunch' sound that I love so dearly.

I walk inside my house with a smile on my face, it slowly fading as I see 8 familiar bodies in the living room, chatting.

"Ugh, you guys are still here" I rolled my eyes. Don't get me wrong I love my brothers friends but they are so loud!

"Yes they are still here, have a problem?" Theodore said taking the banana out of my hands that I was just peeling and eating it himself.

"Really, Theo?" I groan annoyed and grab another banana. Taking a seat on the couch Levi takes my banana.

"You guys can't just get up and get your own banana instead you take mine?" I get up to grab another one but this time I just stay in the kitchen.

"Dani can I have your banana pretty pleaseeeee" Jayden dragged out the 'please'.

"No" I deadpan at him. He grins and takes it anyway. "Seriously!" I put my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Sorry, Sissy I'll make it up to you." Levi hands me a $100 dollar bill. "Okay I forgive you" I hug him tight not before taking the banana he took from me, back.

I giggle and run around the house with a half ate banana and a $100 dollar bill. "Dani! That's not fair" Levi whined while chasing after me.

"Yes it is you gave it to me!" I say back to him going upstairs. I realize I caught myself in a dead end.

"Hah got you now" He grinned. "Look a forest cat!" I gasp and point to the other direction of us. "Where!" I take this as my time to run.

"Dani!!!" He yelled chasing after me again.

It was only 12 in the afternoon but it felt so much later than that. I need to stop waking up at 6am. My body definitely don't like that.

All the others start to run after me as I feel a little worried because they can run fast as they all are football players.

"Ahh" i screeched running in circles around the dining table before darting out of that room. "Daniella!" Dylan screamed after me.

"I'm sorry Dyl don't yell at me" I played innocent. Chase grabs ahold of my waist as he gives the boys a certain look.

Chase holds me by my wrist as Levi and Jayden grab ahold of my Ankles. I know what they are going to do.

"You guys! Stop" I try to wiggle out of their grip as they bring me outside. They step in front of the pool before swinging my body back and fourth.

"Guys!" I let out my last word before I'm thrown into the pool. "Help me up?" I ask chase innocently, putting my arm towards his direction.

"And why would I help you?" He hummed. "Because I'm your most favorite person ever, now help me" I groan.

He rolls his eyes before giving in. He grabs ahold of my hand and I smirk pulling him in the water to.

He gives me a death glare before I jump out of the pool my body dripping wet. He starts to chase after me, again.

My wet feet make me slip against the floor as I bring Levi down with me who pulls Theo along with him who also pulls Dylan with him as well.

They all fall as I giggle on the floor looking up at chase. "Dee protect me, he's trying to kill me" I hide behind Dylan when he gets up.

Dylan just chuckles and continues to let me hide behind him. He tried to get me but I ran on the other side of his body.

We started running again and I found Levi, "LEVI! Protect Me" I give him puppy dog eyes. "Why?" He asked confused.

"Because of that fat ass" I point to chase. "Oh so I'm fat now?" Chase gave me a glare. "Yes" I stick my tongue out at him.

"Your the fat one" He argued back. "Oh so your calling me fat? Wowwww Chase I see how it is" I scoff playfully before putting my arms crossed on my chest.

"Yes I'm calling you fat, stupid." He rolled his eyes. "Well your fat!" I said to him. "Wow I'm so hurt by that, Dani." He said sarcastically.

"Well the truth hurts doesn't it" I said back in the same tone. He tries to run at me but I use Levi as my shield.

"Don't touch my little sister I'll use my super ninja powers on you" He put up fists in a playful motion.

I giggle as I watched the two of them play-fight.


First chapter! What do you guys think?

I don't like it that much I kept re reading over it 3 times and still didn't like it. So let me know your honest opinions on this😭

Word count - 1339

- B.

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