𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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It's pretty easy to guess what we all are doing right now, We're watching a movie. I have no idea what movie it was but it was kind of boring.

"I'm bored." Chase whined in my ear. "Don't be bored then?" I chuckle at him. "Can we go to your room?" He begged.

"Sure! We will be back soon." I told the others. "Don't be to loud!" Levi yelled as we walked upstairs.

"What." I said shocked. "We won't be! I'll make sure to keep her real quiet!" Once he said that I turned right around.

"Excuse me?" My jaw dropped far. "Yes keep that mouth open, baby." He runs his thumb on my lip, "Chase!" I say.

"I'm fucking with you, Chillax." He chuckled. Finally we start to walk back. "Or am I?" He teased again.


"Okay okay, kidding this time." He rolls his eyes. "Why did you want to go my room?" I asked curiously as we enter my room.

"I dunno, the others were just bothering me." He shrugged. "Oh okay!"

"We could watch a different movie?" I hop on my bed. "Sure" He sits down next to me. "Oo what about this movie, it's new?"

It was 'No Hard Feelings.' It sounded pretty good. "Yeah that's good." He smiles at me. He wraps his arm around my waist dragging me closer to him. 

"A 32 year old and a 19 year old?" I questioned, as we were 40 minutes into the movie. "That's illegal."

"No it's not, it's only illegal if he was 17." Chase told. "Oh... well whatever!" I roll my eyes playfully.

"I'm bored, are you bored?" I asked. "I'm very bored." He agreed. "Do you want to go and get ice cream!" I jumped up.

"At 9:30 at night?" He questioned. "It's never to late for ice cream, let's go!" I pull him up... or at least try to.

He had to get up himself because I couldn't lift him. The most I could lift was probably 30 pounds, that's a lot right?

I know you might as well just call me the hulk.

"We will be back!" I slid on my Ugg slippers, as we left. "I can't believe we are getting ice cream this late." He shook his head.

"It's never to late for ice cream." I smiled up at him. "Yeah yeah." We walk in a comfortable silence, as he had his arm wrapped around me.

"If I were to die, I would want to come back as a donkey." I blurt out. "Is that so?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Very so."

"Well then, good thing you already are one." He said softly, but I still heard it. I glare at him.

We reach the ice cream place as we stood in line, "How could this many people want ice cream at.. 10:00?" Chase shook his head

He was very against getting ice cream at night, but I know he secretly had a sweet tooth. "Hi! Can I get strawberry soft serve, please." I know, my order was very plain.

But chocolate ice cream wasn't good to me.

"I'll just have vanilla." I elbowed his side softly, "Please." He forced out. "Of course! Anything else?." The worker typed in our order as someone in the back started to put them in a cup.

"No thanks."

"Great, your total is $8.35" I went to hand her the money, but before I could Chase beat me to it. I rolled my eyes at him.

She hands us our ice cream and we go to find somewhere to eat. We sat right by the water, which was beautiful. Cold, but beautiful.

It was freezing right next to the water, Common sense.. it's almost December. "So.. how's your day." I said.

"It's good, what about yours"

"It's been good! Thoughts of me being a fairy was floating in my mind." The sound 'she was a fairy.' Came into my mind as I chuckled at myself.

"You would be an awesome fairy." He nodded in agreement. "You would be a pretty fairy."

"I know I would, thank you." He smirked. "You're so cocky." I shook my head at him. "Kidding.." He took another bite of his ice cream.

Did you know he bit his ice cream. It just made my teeth shiver at the thought, how could you bite into something... freezing cold?

"If you could be a color, what color would you be?" I asked him. "Green?"

"Good choice." I nodded. "I would be maybe pink." I smiled. Pink was a very pretty color, the prettiest color, actually.

"That's good to." He agreed. "If I was a worm would you still love me." I asked him with a grin on my face,

"Uh... sure.." He looked at me with a concerned face. "Mm that was so good." I pat my tummy, as I threw away our cups

Chase finished maybe 15 minutes ago, I'm just a really slow eater... unless I'm really hungry I'm a fast eater.

"Home?" Chase questioned. "Yes. It's so cold." I shivered a bit. "We'll be home soon." He brought me close to him, kissing my temple.

"Hi!" We entered the front door. "Is mom home?" I asked, she hasn't been home this past week. At all.

"No, she's still at dad's." Levi shook his head. "Of course she is." I scoffed lightly. "Where did you guys go?" Taylor asked, as I kicked off my shoes.

"To get ice cream!" I said, "Wow and you didn't invite us." Levi pouted. "No." Chase said. "Okay, Chase. Be like that. Talk to the hand." He shoved his hand in Chases face.

"Yeah... okay." He pushed his hand away, with a sharp shove. "My bad." He huffed and sat back down.

"Well we are going to sleep, goodnight." I told them as I made my way upstairs. We put on thirteen reasons why.

I just started watching it's so good.

Chase lays down on my stomach, as I tangle my fingers in his hair. "Goodnight, sunshine." He mumbled in my neck.

"Goodnight, Love."


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated I've been grounded😠

Anyways, I'm working on a new story, hopefully after I finish this story, I can post all the chapters to the next book right away instead of you guys having to wait... every year for me to update.

Thanks for reading!


Word count - 1070

- B.

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