Chapter 10

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Holy fucking shit! What have I unleashed? Am I the luckiest fucker to walk this earth? I think I am. I was so happy that Steph was going to stop by for lunch. After hearing about where she was headed, I knew she needed it. Actually, we didn’t talk much about that. I’ll have to rectify that tonight.

But can you blame me? She damn walked in my office with every intention of seducing me. Not that I was an unwilling participant. I would never be unwilling where she was concerned. She’s dynamite in the sack, a real treasure of pent-up sexuality and I’m the lucky bastard that gets to reap the rewards. I can’t wait to be inside her again. She’s addicting.

I don’t know if her pussy is lined with gold or whatever, but I’m there for it, no matter the reason. I thought committing to one person would be harder than it is. Steph makes it easy. I watch her as she leaves, which means I catch the look my assistant is giving her. I didn’t doubt Steph exactly...but I didn’t think it was like that.

One look at Wendy’s face however, told me everything I needed to know. She hated my fiancé; it was easy to see. When she noticed me looking, she schooled her features into a sweet looking smile. But too late, I saw it. Viper...

I’ve always loved the no-nonsense working partnership we’ve had in the past. I didn’t think she harboured any feelings of a romantic nature for me, but maybe Steph knew what she was talking about. I’d have to keep an eye out in the future. I’d hate to have to lose her as an assistant. Wendy has become a great asset, but if the choice comes down to her or Steph... The choice is easy.

It’s Stephanie, every day of the damn week and twice on Sundays. She’s my girl. Always has been. Even when we were just friends, she had me wrapped around her little finger. Thankfully, she never realised it, or if she did, she never exerted that power over me. And fuck me! When she claimed me like that! Another chubby is starting just thinking about it. It’s sexy, she’s sexy and I love it.
I love her!

What the...?


Focus on the now. I’ll deal with that thought later. It’s too much for now. Talk to Wendy. Yes. That’s my focus right now.


“Yes sir?”

“From now on, I’m to be informed the second Stephanie arrives outside my office. If I’m on a business call or in a meeting, email me and flag it as urgent. I always have my laptop open. Am I understood?”

“Yes sir. I understand.”

“I don’t know what that look was about earlier.”

“I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did, Wendy, and that has to stop too. If you are uncomfortable working for me in this new environment, then let me know so I can make other arrangements for you.”

“WHAT! Are you firing me?” I shake my head in denial.

“No. But I won’t tolerate what happened today, happening again.”

“So just like that, you would discard me? I’ve worked for you for years! She comes in from out of nowhere and bam!"

“It’s not like that at all, and I don’t have to justify my personal life to you, Miss Evers.”

Her eyes widen in shock. I haven’t called her by her last name for a long time, but perhaps the familiarity has blurred some lines on her end. It's time to back it up.

“She really has bewitched you...” I sigh in defeat. “Your mother was right about her,” she mumbles, but I hear every word. When has she been talking to my mother?

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