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Vannie may have been a young one when she'd been torn out of Zhode, but she still knew how the world worked.

For example, she knew that now that she'd been coronated, it could not be a lie or a fabrication that she was indeed, Sin's mate. The Alpha de Noir may be a mad man, but he'd never go through such daemonic machinations just for kicks and giggles.

For two, she knew that when the Omega maidens helped remove her wedding livery to change her into a flowy, sheer nightgown, and infused her skin with oils till she was sure they'd never come out of her pores, that they didn't expect for her to drift into blissful sleep. No, they were prepping her for Sin like they were fattening a calf for slaughter.

She sighed, suddenly tired of the whole situation. But not enough to turn her back against this, no. She'd be a good little mate and bear whatever came after this just to complete the wedding ceremony.
And then she'd take hers afterwards.

"Goddess, please, grant me perseverance. I will not regurgitate over this sheets when he. . .enters me. I refuse to."

The image of her accepting Sin's kiss earlier this evening and straining for more hit her, reminding her that she very likely would not vomit when Sin slept with her. In fact, despite her baser instincts, (or because of it) she might enjoy it. He was her mate. He had the most beautiful form and the most alluring eyes, and he kissed like her mouth was the bottom of a honeypot that he wanted to get into.

Surely, she couldn't be blamed for this reaction, right?

She buried that thought and wanted to punch herself for even entertaining it.

Sin, of course, entered at this moment, looking like he'd heard her prayers, and maybe he had. She refused to feel repentant about that. He was not expecting her to roll onto her back and spread her legs like two sides of an open book, was he?

His lips twitched. "My Queen. Thank you for the honor of accepting me. I'll do my best not to f*ck it up this time."

Of course, he wouldn't f*ck it up, she thought darkly, not with the plans she had for him. And then, she did her best to not let her thoughts go. . .there.

To that secret she was now custodian to.
He took a seat beside her prone form. "I have a gift for you."

She eyed him with distrust she didn't bother to hide.

He continued valiantly, ignoring her. "I thought you might want a pup." And as though that last word was a cue, soft whimpers came from outside the door.

Sin snapped his finger, and the whimpers progressed into sharp barks. Suddenly, she had an armful of fur and excited yips. When she could gather herself enough to realize, yes, it was a pup she was holding, and yes, Alpha Sin gifted it to her, she ran a gentle hand over the top of the animal's head.

Her touch seemed to calm the pup somewhat, and Vannie finally had space to look at it. It was a familiar dog. Charcoal-black with eyes as blue as her own, looking up at her with all the trust and affection she thought she'd never get. She fought valiantly against the sudden sting of tears burning behind her eyelids.

"Why?" She asked hoarsely, unable to form the question fully because if she did, she might cry. But she thought it, and he must have heard it.

Why, when you took her away from me before, have you brought her back into my life?

Sin looked shattered. "I'm sorry." The pup looked exactly like her in smaller wolf form.
Vannie sniffled, still running her hand down the pure-colored fur of the animal. "I love her. Thank you."

"It's a 'him,'" he said, sounding apologetic, as though it was his fault the pup came with the anatomy he did.

She nodded absently. "Let's get this night over with," she said, not because she wanted to, but because the longer time went, the heavier the looming crash. It was better to do it now, like ripping tape out of body hair.

For a minute, Sin looked pained. "We're not sleeping with each other tonight, my Queen."

She gaped. "But—but if you don't come into me, the wedding ceremony will not be complete! And—"

"I assure you, my Queen, I don't have to 'come into you' for you to be Luna. Rest assured, I won't touch you like that till you absolutely want to."

She frowned. "I want to."

He shook his head, maybe a bit indulgently. "Fine. I won't touch you like that till you absolutely want to and without fear of you retching over our sheets."

So he did hear her. Her chin went up in defiance, even as she felt the urge to bury her face into her pup's fur in shame.
See? This is that miserable mating bond at work already, making me feel things I don't want to, she thought.

As Sin walked out of the room, taking the pup she was yet to name with him, she wondered how long she'd last before the mating bond took over completely and made her forgive him all his transgressions.

Already, she was gaping at his back, wondering why he'd left. Surprised at his restraint of all things, as though he had any real claim to her body. Wondering if after everything, Alpha de Noir had a good side to him that the world was unaware of.

Then decided that she'd kill him before she determined that.

The world Crom took her to was a hopeful one. The people she'd met had showed her all of Sin's atrocities, and they wanted to punish him, too. Just like she wanted to punish him. They knew what she wanted and knew how to give it to her. They could reunite her with her brother.

All she needed to do now was stop thinking about his careful smile and how soft he was being with her. Yes. She could handle that quite proficiently.

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