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Sin had thought it would be a good idea to take Vannie out of the palace and show the terrains that were under her thumb now. She'd been locked up for so long, surely fresh air out of the tall walls would please her.

But now, he was beginning to think that was a bad idea. Once again, he'd decided to ditch a vehicle and walk in the midst of the people, hoping it would make the experience more enjoyable. Only, he forgot to account for the people.

Now, for as far as his eyes could reach, the Inlanders were on their knees, faces to the ground as he and his mate passed through, their reverence and fear cloying the air.

Vannie looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here, and his heart that was desperate to please her shriveled up into a fetal position.
"Alpha?" she called.

The title that used to bring a surge of power racing down his spine sounded grating now. "Please, you don't have to call me that title. You can use my name."

And the gods forbid that she called him that when the people could hear. They'd think he was forcing his mate to address him with an honorific.

She eyed him skeptically. "What should I call you, then?"

Any term of endearment would do. But he said, "Sinclair."

She ignored him. "How long till we have to return? I have salves to make at the apothecary."

He smiled. "We can return as soon as I'm done showing you around. The people want to see their Luna."

She wrinkled her nose. He wondered if she knew how adorable she was when she did that. "Ah, right. I do have Luna duties nowadays, don't I? What do I have to do? Maybe you can teach me."

How he'd love to teach her anything. "I know it may come as a surprise to you, but I know nothing about being a female Alpha."

She gave him a side-eye at his sarcasm and he grinned wide, feeling tentative about this new territory they were entering. A territory where he could. . .tease her. And maybe she'd give him an exasperated smile someday. "Maybe you learned a thing or two from your Mam?"

She snorted. "Maybe you should have learned a thing or two from your Mam."

He laughed, pleased that they wouldn't skirt about issues like these. "You're right." And she was. If only he hadn't used his entire life consumed with taming his daemon.

"I know my Mam used to go on rounds to check on the Zhodians, but I'm sure it's different here. We were but a glorified village, while the Inlands might as well be a technological hub."

Sin had to cage an excited growl at the thought of Vannie going on rounds for his people. Socializing with them, coming to care for them. . .

"Yes. We could do those rounds together sometime. If you'd like."

She frowned at him, and maybe he shouldn't have sounded so eager. "I see. What else do you suppose I could do? Should I talk to Maeve or Zara about it?"

He shook his head. "I'll have a meeting with the Circle instead. You don't have to do anything, my Queen." Just be by my side. Want me the way I want you.

She agreed. As they returned to the palace, he took her through another path—which she good-naturedly didn't comment on, even though she remained at alert.

Not till they reached the vast waterfall, and her mouth fell in awe. "Goddess."

There was a stretch of soft grass beside it, so he sat down, hoping she'd follow his lead, but not asking. When it looked like she'd stubbornly stay on her feet to watch the water, he brought out the big guns.

A trill whistle from his lips later, tiny animals that could fit into his palms came bouldering out of the cave beside the waterfall. All coming for him. They crawled over and licked him till he fell backwards, lying in the grass.

"Vannie, save me," he shouted, making sure to be as dramatic as possible.

She didn't laugh, but she sat down beside him, eyeing the display curiously. "They look like Daffodil."

"Daffodil?" He asked, confused, and she flushed prettily.

"I named my pup Daffodil."

Ah. It made sense now. "Yes. These are Daffodil's siblings."

One of the pups shyly went to Vannie. She brought a hand to its small snout, and as if that was all the consent it needed, it ran into her lap. Its siblings, seeing that there was one more person to bury under, rushed to her side.

Then, she laughed. Even as she tried to pet all of them at the same time and accept all their licks, she laughed. Sin felt warmth in his chest. Gods, she was beautiful.

They stayed like that, letting the small animals molest them for a long while. Then he said, "So. You said you were Commander-in-Runes for your Sire's army. How long did you spend in war at a stretch?"

She pats the head of a white-streaked pup on her breast. "I didn't go to war. I'm not—I was not a warrior."

Oh. "So what did you do?"

She hesitated for a while, as though her mind was racing three miles a second. "I charmed the ammunition. While I used my magïck mostly to heal, my Mam also taught me how to activate runes on weapons. So that if a Zhodian soldier attacked you with a blade—"

It wouldn't be mere blade. It would be a blade that was fifty times as lethal. She broke off, but he'd gotten the gist of it. Gods, he'd never finish figuring her out, would he? Just when he'd thought there could be hope of that ever happening, she went and showed him a hidden depth.

F*ck, it was glorious.

More of the animals came to use him as their seat, climbing over themselves to gain contact. They were the only animals in the world that weren't afraid of his daemon, just like their dog parents. In return, his daemon didn't mind them, either. They were too small to bother with.

"My Queen," he started, nervous. "I know I haven't had a proper opportunity to apologize to you about what happened. And I know millions of sorrys won't be enough to return what you lost—what I took from you. I just want you to know that I'm very, very sorry, and I'll spend the rest of my lifetime showing you how much."

In this light as she stared up at him, her eyes looked like the blues of a coral reef. She said, without an ounce of hesitation, "I forgive you. Sinclair." And his heart would have exploded from happiness if it was possible. Even though a part of him knew she hadn't.

Dark Alpha: A Fated Mates NovelWhere stories live. Discover now