UPDATE - August 9, 2023

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I apologize guys. I lost my files and my account due to the external hard drive acting funny :( It almost broke my motivation because my old laptop in a nutshell had to be replaced which is now why I am here.

Plenty of files lost including the account information and the notes. I am only because this is the account I managed to recover and why I am here once again than the account itself I put on the link in the comments previously.

On the other news, I prepared an account in ScribbleHub  (https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/127351/einsameseraph/ )for you guys to follow and contact me since Wattpad itself.

I'll be making a return there with a new story.

 I made plenty of preparations and measures in case I get myself into a fortuitous events and lost important files. Many preparation.

I'll be giving you guys a preview of the first chapter of a new story. 

This is only a WIP, a Work in Progress. It's only a glimpse. 

 Here's a preview.


Kakistocracy, the word itself means a government run by the worst, least suitable and least competent citizens of a state.

In countries that were described as a kakistocratic governments, its structures, starting with the transportation, were very lacking and underdeveloped, while the elected politicians were elected through by connections and appearances only, not by platform of their political party.

For these kinds of states, it had brain drain, overseas migrations, rampant corruption in the government, and lack of equipment and facilities, that could be solved, the starting with the country's org chart, its operating system, the rules and laws of the land, also known as the constitution.

What caught not much of my attention, not recently, was a Segliorian constitutional reformist activist group made up of those Segliorische Übersee-Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter which we call them in Renovian Cryptoglotic, also known in an Angulus term as "Overseas Segliorian Workers", and the Segliorians who demanded for the constitutional reforms in their country to push for the first steps of modernization and revitalization. This movement for the Republic of Segliora, they cited my home country, The United Covenant of Chevalynthea, as one of the best examples and models for an excellent model of a governance.

As a reincarnator born in this country, The United Covenant Chevalynthea, reborn as noble from regnal houses of Lysendel, Graham, and Orlači-Hernandez, named Galahaute Lysendel, I felt honored because The Covenantal Realm excels at everything and remained the top spot and had dedicated bodies for reforming in every area including its own constitution, [The Covenantal Codex of Guiding Mandate] and its regnal dominion counterparts [The Regnal Dominion Covenantal Charter].

Though I had no interest towards this Segliorian constitutional reformist activist movement, I knew what they were talking about for their goal – the 1987 constitution of their home country, Republic of Segliora.

Staying here at a room, after sending an email to [The Royal Chevalynthean Lineage Authority] that contained my message of thanking them updating my account for [The Royal Covenantal Sovereign Subject Card], I'm doing what I would call as multi-tasking after my practicing my marksmanship and exercises in this current regnal dominion I'm temporarily staying at, The Regnal Dominion of Porta Marte - that was by checking the amount of the Chevalynthean Grand Galleons going to [Chevalynthean Hybrid Banking System] (CHBS) from investments, and browsing social media, with my foldable tablet.

The profile of this Segliorian group, [The Segliorian Reformist Citizen's Coalition for Transformation] (SRCTC), I was almost slightly impressed at their noble cause for the betterment of their country, Segliora. However, what this group needed was a strong backing to spread their message and achieve the successful push for the constitutional reform there, but again, it's not my business to do because myself, personally, doesn't care things in that country because The Founders of SRCTC had no words nor comments about turning their group they established into a non-government organization, an official NGO, to gain traction in media and life than in cyberspace as far as what I guessed about them from my observation.

Either way, Segliora and the SRCTC, it's not my thing because there's no single of OSWs here in The United Covenant last time I check through my regnal houses' networks, there's deserving OSWs who became a former OSWs who received Chevalynthean citizenship together with their families via renouncing their Seglioran citizenship, a situation I would say beneficial for them and their families in their life and The Covenantal Realm while bad for The Republic of Segliora, its government, and its unfortunate ignoramuses with the country itself having bad urban planning and zoning in a matter that there's more shit to be fixed alongside its org chart and the constitution there.

"It's utterly infuriating to witness the sheer ignorance and anti-progress stance of these 20 anti-reform Segliorian Senators! The newly established Segliorian Investment Fund and The Segliorian Investment Fund Corporation stand ready to propel Segloria forward, but their potential is stifled by the apathy of the Seglorian Senate. Despite the urgent need for constitutional reform, only four Senators have the vision to embrace change, while the majority, including Senators Zubírez and Panjilinan, chose to remain stuck in the past and all-talk and not action. It's not just a blow to progress; it's a direct assault on Segliora and its people. And if that wasn't enough, our very own constitution, through Article 2 Section 8, and Article 12 Section 2, further shackles us by banning nuclear technology and the cause of the lack of jobs and technology transfer. It's a disheartening double blow, hindering our potential and standing in direct opposition to the aspirations of the Segliorians! What's the purpose of Operation Celestial Vortex that took down UFVS, the ones responsible 1987 Constitution back then 23 years ago!? Isn't it to put a stop to the madness of Vesperburg during those times before it met its dissolution at the hands of Chevalynthea on 1988? We urge the Segliorians and the like-minded individuals to join us in changing this constitution now as in now to move forward because this constitution was crafted by Corazón Cojánquez and her ilk, who were linked with the dissolved UFVS and The Shadow Directorate, who were arrested and guilty last week!"

Reading the latest post made by this group in EpicenterGate, a 1/8 Chevalynthean state-owned digital ecosystem, I shook my head as if it's a normal occurrence and closed the browsing tab that showed this movement because these guys lacked a push and exposure in media and real life than going remain in cyberspace.


Once  again, this new chapter of a new story is subjected to change because this is only a preview.

Thank you for being patient. I really apologize for my carelessness and things that happened before.

See you guys soon,


I decided to become a Wandering God in this fantasy game worldWhere stories live. Discover now