25- Rome

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With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Lucas leads the temptress to the party, filling the role that he played with me only moments ago.

I'm left in his dust, alone while the girl follows him with a flirty gait.

"I've never seen him walk off with a girl before," Zoya says in awe, suddenly besides me for the first time since we left the car. "I knew he was spending too much time with Adrien."

"He doesn't normally get hit on?" I peel my eyes away from his retreating form, arms still crossed in spite. I try to mask my surprise but, it is surprising. Ignoring Lucas's kindness or his alluring humor, he is undeniably handsome, and I can't imagine that girls don't see that.

"Oh no, he definitely does." Zoya laughs, a softness in her voice. "But he's basically incapable of realizing when it's happening. He doesn't understand that he is a lot more attractive than he used to be, and he thinks girls are only being friendly to him. It doesn't help that he overworks himself so much that girls finding him appealing is the last thing on his mind."

I let her words linger on my mind as she walks towards a beautiful girl on the house's steps.

The thought of Lucas flirting with another girl, resting his hand on her waist as they talk or pulling her body closer to hear the banter... I nearly gag.

Images of him enjoying another girl like that angers me and I have no idea why.

I head straight for the backyard, filling up cups and shots from the outdoor bar that will help numb my mind. I need the drinks to take away the questions that I can't hear the answers to.


It's not until my red solo cup is pure tequilla and lemon juice that I realize I'm drunk.

Maybe a little more than drunk.

I let out an irrational giggle, my cloudy mind finding anything funny as my cup slowly drains. Chloe continues her rant, a passionate speech about capitalism that I haven't listened to one word of. Autumn is whispering in the ear of a girl I have never seen before, making the girl flustered as she tries to keep her eyes on anything but Autumn's lips. On the opposite side of the circle is Zoya and her girlfriend, their wholesome cuddles are a sharp contrast to Autumn's usual aphrodisia. The way Zoya's arms wrap around the other girl – no emotion between them besides love and adoration – makes them the perfect happy couple that leaves a sick taste in my mouth.

I wonder if the envy I feel is visible on my face when I finally look away.

The night's events blend together in my mind, slipping me between people and activities as if I was only watching a movie rather in control. A part of me wakes up when I hear myself calling for Lucas, vowing to teach his some party games before I eventually let the bubbles of alcohol cloud my vision once more.

Images of us scrambling through the house, playing all sorts of games, surfaces as I feel my body move rather than ordering it to do so. Lucas's competitive side comes out, teasing me about the shots I miss in beer pong or insisting he was born to play poker. The annoying part is that Lucas can back up his swagger, either through natural skill or his high intelligence. He's been able to win any game I throw at him with only one round of practice.

I quickly learn that beating me is a game itself for him, my heart thrumming at the cocky smirk he sends before placing his last hand of cards.

"This isn't fair! You're cheating somehow." I say slowly, piecing the words together from the weight of the alcohol in my system. If my sluggish speech is annoying to him, Lucas doesn't show it.

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