37- Rome

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It takes me a week to build up the courage to text Chloe, and even then I sit for over an hour debating what to say. Does responding to her at all promise that I'm going to forgive her? Days later, I'm still torn in pieces over her choice to expose me to my parents, even if she didn't anticipate their reaction would be so extreme.

I have depended on Chloe as a confidant for years, trusting her with every stress and secret that felt too heavy to carry alone. Did she want to reveal my secrets the whole time, assuming she could protect me better than my own decisions could?

With a single message, I tell Chloe a time to meet at a nearby café. I don't leave room for her to respond or change the details, both of us knowing I won't reschedule if she doesn't show up.

Sitting in the empty café, I'm certain that I am ready for this conversation. Prepared to stay calm despite the storm rolling in my stomach, my posture is straight as I await Chloe's appearance.

Everything I planned to say falls apart when I see her.

Apologetic eyes meet mine, her bottom lip quivering before she wipes her cheek and washes the emotion away from her face. Always good at stuffing her feelings in the bottom of her heart, I make up for the expressions she refuses to show.

"How could you!" I whisper-shout, feeling my face redden with the words. I don't wait for a response, knowing I need to get the anger out of my system before I can listen to her reasoning. My voice cracks as I continue, "you were my best friend, you should have been there for me because my parents never were."

"I didn't know-" she answers in a small squeak.

"What did you think was going to happen? You knew how much my parents wanted me to date someone like them, and if you listened to me for long enough to hear more than your own voice you would have known how close I was to already being kicked out before you opened your goddamn mouth."

"I'm so sorry, Rome," her eyes drop down in embarrassment, her hands shaking as she reaches out to me before reconsidering, pulling them away and back onto her lap. "I was blind and so so stupid... My own heartbreak made me terrified that Lucas would hurt you as badly as I was, convinced we would never be able to trust anyone to make us happy." She raises her chin so her eyes meet mine. "I had no idea what I was doing and I should have kept my mouth shut. Your parents are such horrible people, none of those things they said were true."

I swallow down the painful memories of my parents' words. They absolutely gutted me to hear, paining me each time my mother's insults were yelled or my father cursed me for being alive. But that's not what hurt the most. As nasty as it feels to admit, those words were all ones I have heard before, and it likely wouldn't be the last time they said them to me.

But knowing Chloe has never supported me while I told her everything I loved about Lucas or the details of our first date? Knowing Chloe didn't believe I could find someone capable of caring about me without a selfish reason? That hurts me more than my parents ever have.

"I did believe in you and I'll always know that you found love with Lucas. Dating him was your choice, not your parents or even another guy's, and I completely believe it was the right one. I let my fears make me doubt that and I fucked up, but if you give me the chance I can show you how much I support you."

"How am I supposed to believe that you understand now, that in a few days you've changed?" I shrug, forcing her to face the unrealistic expectations she has left me with.

"What about in a year?" She says quietly.

"What? Chloe, you're going to be gone next year." I narrow my gaze, uncertain at where she is going with this.

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