i won't leave

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the son of the sky, the second divine guardian has already joined, and now the thief of the night will be coming along.


"huh? what's with the commotion?"

"isn't that nami's big sister? ah, and that's nami!"

[name] and luffy watched as people gathered around the the sisters in panic, laying down the blue haired female on the ground and immediately tending to her.

while luffy was confused by what's happening, [name] caught a glimpse of the blood on nojiko's right shoulder.

a frown settled on her lips, and she approached them with luffy peeking around obliviously.

"arlong has been working with the navy! he sent out those marines to collect the money nami has been saving up..."

gen, the man with the pinwheel hat said, anger evident in his face as he tried to stop the bleeding on nojiko's shoulder.

"what? arlong did?! then that means..."

"he's been lying to our nacchan!"

"he tricked our nacchan... that bastard!"

"he never honored their deal! how dare he?!"

although she never got to hear nojiko's story about nami because of a certain meat loving captain, she easily put two in two together with a little bit of context from the words that the villagers are uttering.

she can't say the same for ger captain, though...

"hey nami! what's happening? we've been looking for you, you know!"

luffy asked with a smile, not reading the room as [name] shook her head at him.

nami clenched her fist, not turning around to look at them and [name] could already tell that she's pissed.

she then turned around, and [name] flinched from her furious expression as she literally glared at them with so much animosity.

"you're still here? you have no business being here, leave the damn island already!!"

nami pulled luffy by the front of his shirt, screaming onto his face.

she then threw the boy over her shoulder, tossing him aside before running away to who knows where.

[name] watched it all happened with a blank face, not even bothering to chase after nami knowing she doesn't need people pestering her at the state she's in right now.

the state of rage and hysteria.

luffy got up from the ground and pouted, rubbing his head.

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