chapter 3

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"I have to ask Elsa," Hayley says looking at my nervous state. "Why do you always look so tensed and jumpy when your sister Gwen visits you?" She asks as looks like she is observing me.

Hayley does know about some of the things Gwen has done in her life. She also knows I always have covered for her and tried my best to paint the best image of her in front of other people. Which is why she doesn't like Gwen that much.

I know she is coming right now because she needs an alibi. She had told her probation officer she was staying here with me, living with me for the entire year of her probation, which is a big lie.

But, I will roll with that lie when her probation officer comes on monday. I don't want Gwen to go back to jail.

Where she was? Out of town. What she was doing? Scamming old people.

She has been selling them fake cellphones which she said brought her a lot of money. Which made me wonder how many of the elderly did she sell the fake cellphones to.

"I do not... What are you talking about?" I tried to sound convincing as possible but, Hayley wasn't buying it.

"I think the reason you are like this is, Gwen is a convicted criminal who always uses you to get out of her messes." She sneers. Her dislike for my sister is very apparent but she cannot say anything because she is my blood.

"Well, she is my sister, it's my duty to help her." I shrug casually.

"Not when helping her with her criminal activities." She complains.

"I don't help her with her criminal activities!" I say defensively as I turn to her.

Sometimes I help her get out of messes, but most of the time, she barely gets me involved.

"Oh! Because being her get away driver so she can escape the scene of the crime is not being her accomplice?"

My eyes drop to the floor as I put the dishes on the table. I didn't know what to say to that. How to defend myself, or Gwen, from that.

"You are enabling her by always cleaning up her messes." Hayley says meaningfully.

I look at her and see the concern in her eyes. I know she is just being a good friend by looking out for me, but she has to understand that I cannot just abandon my own sister. It doesn't matter if what she is doing is right or wrong.

I want to tell her that but suddenly, my phone rings in my jeans pocket. I immediately take it out and check who is calling.

It says... Gwen 👼

I saved her number with an angel emoji, and she did mine too.

I thought she was just coming straight to my place, why was she calling me right now? I decide not to think of anything bad which will get worried, and just answer the call with an open mind.

"Gwen!" I say when the call gets connected.

"Elsa, where are you?" She asks immediately.

I am confused at her question.. "W-what?" I stutter that.

"Where are you?" She repeats the question with more impatience than the last time.

"I'm at home..?" I say that as a question because I want her to tell her why she is asking me that.

"Okay.. That's good... I need you to come to Crystal street right now. I want you to drive me somewhere."

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