chapter 83

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"If you are offering me a ride Mr Callahan.. Thanks, but no thanks. I would rather take the bus."

And just like that, Jeremy got angry. "I wasn't offering you, I was telling you to get in the fucking car!" He barked at her.

Elsa took two steps away from him subconsciously. She shook her head in protest.

Jeremy scoffed in annoyance. "Are you doing this on purpose Mrs Callahan? First you don't pick up my calls at all, you don't even bother replying to the messages.

"And to make things worse, I have to come all the way here to pick you up so you attend my grandfather's birthday party?"

Elsa was tongue-tied for a moment. She hadn't ignored his calls on purpose, she was so focused on getting her mother's stuff she never checked her phone. Even right now she still hasn't.

But he chooses to believe he was ignored and obviously anything else Elsa says will be considered a lie.

About his grandpa's birthday, she had even forgotten about it. She had already set her mind to the divorce and was waiting for it so what's the point of her making plans to go to the Old Master's party?

"Mr Callahan, perhaps you shouldn't call me Mrs Callahan at all. You should hold and preserve that title for your beloved." Elsa said with a smile.

Jeremy was just about to snap at her when Elsa started talking again. Not giving him a chance.

"About your calls, I didn't see them. I was working and I am not allowed to have phones at work.

"And even if I saw them and chose to ignore it, isn't that for the best? What would we even have to say to each other for you to call me?

"Now... About your rich people party... I am not going. Take Victoria because she is not a 'despicable' woman like me..

"For me, I am not planning on trying with this relationship. Not in anyone's eye. You want to take me with you as your wife and pretend to be a happy couple infront of the reporters and your sophisticated guests, right? Well too bad, I don't feel like going so I am not going.

"You slapped me. I don't care who you are but I will not be seen around an abusive husband.

"Remember, you forced me to marry you. You made me marry you. I never wanted any of this then, and I most certainly won't crave for it after you raised your hand on me.

"If you have to have an escort, take Victoria. At least you won't have to pretend to be happy infront of everyone when in reality you are miserable behind the scenes.

"You married me, your scandal is gone. We should stay separated until the divorce.

"Also, I am only telling you for the last time because I will not repeat myself again. I am not Gwen, okay? So stop harrasing me already. This is getting annoying."

Jeremy just looked at her. He didn't say anything until she was finished with her rant.

"Are you done?" He asked with an indifferent tone.

Elsa didn't answer. She was actually a little scared she after she just talked to Jeremy Callahan with such a tone.

She saw how angry he looked and chose to not say anything else.

"Good... Now get in the fucking car! When Elsa didn't immediately start walking to the car, he grabbed her wrist and started dragging her there himself.

"Let go of me!... Let me go Jeremy! Let me go!" She screamed as she tried to pull her hand back.

Jeremy turned to her with eyes that held nothing but coldness. His sharp gaze shooting through her and his hostility making her shiver. He had such soulless eyes.

"Don't test me!" He warned.

Elsa felt her stomach drop in fear. She stopped resisting.

Jeremy started pulling her towards the car again and they this time, Elsa didn't struggle. Just as he opened the car door, a man's voice came from behind them.

"Is everything okay here?"

Elsa and Jeremy both turned to see who it was.

It was Allan. He was looking at both Elsa and Jeremy. But to Elsa, he looked

"Elsa, I heard you screaming so I came to check on you, are you alright?" He asked sincerely.

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