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Padme rushed to embrace Sol as her arrived on the balcony of Padme's apartment. C3-PO stood by the senator's side and the two watched as Anakin helped Sol out from the passenger seat. With an awaiting hand, Anakin took half of Sol's weight as she carefully stepped onto the balcony. He gripped her hand firmly before placing his gloved hand on the small of her back, and guiding her to meet the senator who was riddled with worry.

'Oh, kriff, Sol,' Padme let out a worried gasp and lightly embraced the Jedi Master. 'I rushed back here as soon as I heard from Ani about what happened.'

'I'm fine, Padme,' Sol insisted with the same tired smile. 'I just need rest.'

'You don't look fine. Those bandages! And those robes! Threepio, can you secure some tea for Sol?'

'Of course, ma'am.'

The hissing joints of C3-PO sounded as he turned from the three and made his way towards the apartment. He disappeared into Anakin and Sol's shared bedroom before he ventured through Padme's wardrobe to head for the elevator. The golden droid muttered things to himself on the way, like 'those Jedi folk never seem to live a life of peace' and 'so uncivilised these times are'.

'And I'll get you some new clothes to change into,' Padme said as she gripped Sol's hands in her.

'Oh, no, Padme, I have clothes-'

'Not a word of it. You can rest while Threepio and I take care of you.'

Sol's hands felt cold as the senator pulled her dainty hands out of hers and turned to head back into the apartment. The ball that was yet to leave her throat was forced down for a moment longer and Sol could feel the drowsiness mixing with the anxiety in her stomach. At the sway of her stance, Anakin took hold of Sol's waist and held her against him in fear that she would crumble.

'Let's sit you down, bright eyes,' Anakin said, and he guided Sol towards the lowered living space on the balcony.

Anakin was careful with the woman who was the root of all his happiness. It hurt him to guide her frail figure onto the sofa where she dropped with a loud sigh. Whether it was from relief or pain, he didn't know, but he took a pillow and slid it behind Sol's back to keep her upright. Anakin noticed how Sol didn't look up at him, but he didn't hold it against her. She was weak and yearning for sleep, but he also knew that she wanted to be in Padme's company before she went to bed. So, with a reluctancy to be away from her, Anakin pulled back from Sol and glanced towards the apartment.

'Stay here for a moment. I'm going to go talk to Padme,' he said in a gentle voice. This made Sol finally look up from her lap and he saw a certain sadness in her eyes.

'What's with all the private talks?'

'I'm just going to make sure she doesn't fuss over you to the point of unconsciousness,' Anakin attempted to joke with a small smile. 'Don't worry. It's all to make sure you're okay.'

Anakin bent down and placed his hands on either side of Sol's head to kiss her hair. He caught a whiff of her fresh scent and wanted to gather her into his arms to bury his nose into her brown locks. But Anakin forced himself to pull away from Sol's alluring presence and straightened his back, noticing again how her gaze dropped back down to her lap. With regretful steps, Anakin climbed the stairs of the living space and looked over his shoulder with a worried glance, unaware of the troubles that hung over the pale woman.

As he left into the apartment, Sol wished that Anakin would stay by her side. She wanted to be held in Anakin's arms and maybe then, she would gain the courage to sob to him about her troubles. Her hands quivered in her lap and their pale colour showed how cold Sol's hands were. Without Padme or Anakin, Sol tried to calm her nerves and think about how she was going to hold herself together until either of them returned.

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