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'A-And we met Aunty Padme! She was so beautiful, a-and we were on this planet called Yavin 4-'

'And we saw starfighters and x-wings, Mum! It was so cool!'

'Uncle Obi is here to rescue you! A-And we're here to rescue you, too!'

'Yes, I can see that...'

Sol ran a gloved hand down her face. While the twins gushed about how they ended up on the star destroyer and in restraints, Sol was trying to keep her calm. Hearing from her two children that they had snuck onto Ahsoka's T6 was something that Sol could have worked out herself, but they had made it all the way to Yavin 4 before Ahsoka or even Obi-wan had noticed. And to bring Luke and Leia onboard the star destroyer was beyond any explanation that Ahsoka could give. 

Sol couldn't believe that Ahsoka had been so irresponsible to risk their lives in the way that she did. And for what? Luke and Leia were being marched through the halls by stormtroopers when Sol found them. It was not what Sol expected from the Togruta, and when she found her, she would be having a firm talk with her about her maturity after her years of leaving the Order. 

Had she learnt nothing since then? Had being on the run not made the Tano realise that she couldn't jeoparadise everyone else onboard for her own reasons?

'You said Uncle Obi came to rescue me, right?' Sol decided to push aside all her other questions to focus on the most important one at hand.

'Yeah! His ship is in the hanger.'

'But where is he?'

Luke and Leia turned to look at each other with identical looks of confusion. Sol looked back and forth between their faces and gulped in worry. Her hands that were on their shoulders squeezed their arms firmly and Sol was beginning to feel an ache in her legs from being on her knees for so long.

'Um...' Leia started unsurely.

'He's not... with you?' Luke finished, his head tilting with his question.

'No. I haven't seen anyone except you two.'

Luke and Leia's silence was telling. Sol wanted to groan aloud, but she sufficed with a sigh and a hang of her head. She sensed the worry and guilt from the twins as their child minds assumed that it was somehow their fault that Obi-wan hadn't turned up yet. To put a stop to this, Sol raised her head and regrouped her thoughts. 

She couldn't let her frustrations run rampant, as she and her twins were still on the Imperial star destroyer that was littered with stormtroopers. And somewhere, Darth Vader was undoubtedly roaming the halls in search of his escaped prisoner. Sol had sensed his moving signature and needed to get the twins away from him as quickly as she could.

'Okay, here's what we're going to do,' Sol stated and made sure their light eyes were trained on her. 'I'm assuming neither of you have a commlink with you?'

The boy and girl shook their heads in partial confusion as to what a commlink even was.

'So, we have no way of contacting Uncle Obi. But knowing him, he must have run into some trouble. What were Aunty Soka and Uncle Revan doing when you last saw them?'

'They were...' Luke appeared to be thinking hard with a finger to his chin, before he perked up with the returned memory. 'In the hanger fighting stormtroopers!'

Sol didn't mirror her son's satisfaction. In fact, her face was pulled into a frown that made Luke drop his grin immediately. Luke was beginning to think that he should never follow what his sister did ever again. It had led them into nothing but trouble despite Leia's confidence in her actions. No number of x-wings, battlefields, and Jedi were worth seeing his mother so unnerved and panicked.

Accismus⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• Anakin Skywalker⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin