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| Damon |

Kane's fifth punch to his face made Damon's ears ring. He spat blood to the cell floor and groaned irritably, and when Kane gripped his jaw and forced him to look up at him, Damon snarled angrily. He wasn't going to break.

"Tell me where that little fucker went!" Kane yelled furiously.

Damon growled at him and pulled his face from his grip. He glanced at his pack, who—like him—were beaten and wounded from their fight; they all had their arms held behind their backs by one of Kane's guards, and seeing their bloody, bruised faces made his guilt grow with every strained breath he took.

The right side of Lalo's face was so badly beaten that he was struggling to remain conscious. Sebastien had a profusely-bleeding gunshot wound in his shoulder, and Remus stared at his father with such fear in his eyes that it made Damon want to cave. But he couldn't. They had to protect Jackson.

"Tell me!" Kane shouted and hit Damon's face again.

As pain shot through his head and spiralled down his body, Damon grunted and slowly turned his head to look up at him again. He glared at Kane's aggravated face, and the longer he remained silent, the angrier Kane visibly became.

But Kane then laughed and backed off. "That one," he said, pointing to someone behind Damon.

Rachel started screaming and fighting as she was dragged towards the bars.

Kane snatched a fistful of Damon's hair and glared down into his eyes. "Either tell me where that pathetic wolf went, or this bitch becomes our latest source of entertainment."

Damon's guilty, worried eyes locked with Rachel's. She looked horrified, but she shook her head.

"Don't tell him!" she cried.

"Shut up!" the man holding her growled and slammed her down onto the ground.

Damon didn't want to let anyone get any more hurt than they already were, and he didn't want anyone to die. But if he told Kane where Jackson was heading, he'd no doubt send out hunting parties and find his mate before he got close to Silverlake.

But he couldn't let Rachel die.

He thought as fast as his racing mind would let him, and then he shook his head to disguise a quiet, deep exhale. "Farrydare," he lied, keeping himself as calm as he could.

Kane's scowl thickened—he was listening to Damon's heartbeat, wasn't he? "Why Farrydare?" he demanded, failing to detect that he wasn't telling the truth.

"Because he knows someone there," Damon growled.

"Who? Is that where the rest of your pack are holed up?"

"Yes. Let her go."

As he glanced at Rachel, Kane snickered and adorned an amused smirk. "Take her."

Panic shot through Damon. "What?"

"No!" Rachel shrieked.

Damon tried to get up—he tried to lunge at the guard who was dragging her out of the cage—but Kane snatched his throat, and the men who weren't holding his pack pointed their rifles at everyone.

"I told you what you wanted to know!" Damon growled.

Kane didn't respond. He kept hold of Damon's throat, and once his guard had dragged Rachel a small distance from the cage, he glared down at Damon. "You've killed a lot of my wolves, and I'm going to make you pay for every single one of them."

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