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| Damon |

Damon didn't know how much longer he could listen to his pack grieving. He didn't know what time it was, and he didn't know how long Jackson had been gone; he couldn't feel him through their imprints, and there was a part of him that feared Kane's wolves might capture him. No matter how hard he tried to remain strong for both himself and his pack, his dismay was eating away at him, and he was convinced that he'd crack any moment.

But if he gave in, his pack would crumble, too. He had to enforce the hope that Jackson would make it to Silverlake, and he had to do whatever it took to keep his pack calm.

Kane was coming, though. He could hear the deranged Alpha's voice, and he knew that he was going to throw another one of his wolves out into the arena to be slaughtered by the Amarok.

When Kane and his cronies stood in front of the silver bars, Damon's pack retreated to the back of the cave, and he stood defensively in front of them. Although he knew that there wouldn't be anything he could do to stop Kane, he'd still stand in his way and protect his pack with his life.

"Your little whore killed my wolves," Kane revealed as he scowled at Damon.

"Jackson?" Dustu questioned quietly.

"Did he get the inimă?" Lalo whispered.

Kane continued, "And what's strange is that he didn't seem to be heading in the direction of Farrydare." He smirked and moved closer to the bars as he glared in at Damon. "I think someone's been telling fibs."

Damon scowled and snarled quietly.

With an irritated grunt, Kane waved his hand towards the bars, and one of his men unlocked the cage. "Either tell me the truth," he said as he stepped inside. "Or I'll take two of you this time."

As Kane's men stepped into the cage and fondled their pathetic weapons, Damon ushered his son behind him with everyone else. He wouldn't reveal where Jackson was really headed; he'd fooled Kane's lie test before, and he was confident that he could do it again. But if he gave them another location, Kane might suspect that he was able to keep his heartbeat steady, and he'd kill two of his wolves. He needed to think of something else.

"Well?" Kane growled, moving closer.

"He was going to Farrydare," Damon insisted.

"He probably got fucking lost," Lance suggested angrily. "He always was a little brainless."

"Watch your fucking mouth," Wilson snapped and grabbed Lance's neck.

"Get the fuck off him," Damon warned as he shoved the muto away from his packmate. He knew that Lance was backing his lie, and the last thing he needed was Wilson fucking it up.

Kane and his men laughed amusedly.

"You're just gonna let him talk shit?!" Wilson exclaimed as Wesley grabbed his arms and pulled him back before he could lunge at Damon.

"Calm the fuck down, dude," Sebastien complained from the corner he hadn't left since Jackson's escape.

"Take the kid," Kane said.

Damon immediately grabbed Remus and pulled him behind him. "I told you where he's going!" he insisted and crashed his fist into the face of the man who tried to snatch his son.

The other men cocked their weapons and pointed them at the pack as the guy Damon just hit scrambled to his feet.

Kane moved a little closer. "I don't believe you," he said with a sing-song voice. "See, Farrydare's that way," he said, pointing to his left. "But my guys—before they got slaughtered—reported that your little man-slut was going that way," he growled, pointing to the right. He then abruptly snatched Damon by his silver collar, and despite the metal burning his skin, he pulled him closer so that their faces were inches apart. "If there's anything I hate more than a fucking fairy," he spat, looking him up and down, "it's a fucking fairy who lies to my face!" He smashed his forehead into Damon's face and shoved him back.

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