Everywhere has a ghetto.

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An isolated or segregated area.

The human body and mind are all made up of distinct and unique parts.. some differing by each person and some all in the same to comparing.

A broke down, low class mental compartment in the back of everything you've ever experienced, the thing you cover and make last on your list of introducing when explaining who you are.

The place where rage lives and sadness visits to add on to the changing of darkened feelings.

The reason why your last romantic dealing fell apart.. the things you didn't share soon enough got tired of being confined to the dirty and depressing land you'd left it to eventually take over and then reveal all of its bad.

It's the place where your short temper calls home, all of the gentle acts of kindness and compassion thrown out of the window when this place is shown.

It's the reason you couldn't have a seat in that very important meeting.

and you acting as if it doesn't exist only makes for harsher and greater failures in ending.

For some this place wasn't always so sad, a good place turned bad or for others this has always been the reality of this particular setting.

Depending on who brought you up or broke you down in your years of early heart breaks and tears.. this area was formed off comfort or pain.

and if you acknowledge it makes for a greater loss or gain.

People trying to help you in meeting, using this mental space of yours as some sort of project or charity.

Testing their people pleasing and helping skills on you, trying to make this mental space great again, by building up its bricks, and then repainting the walls and gathering sticks to create a bridge over the sea of your fears.

Everywhere has a ghetto.

Including the brain.

A place where you keep all the negatives and store away anything you see is worthy of rejecting to avoid self reflecting.

To keep these things from growing or empowering, you shut them in this place of poor living.

Invite me in.

Not to test you or help as an act of charity but to get to know the real you, and assist in a better place of mental being.

Don't introduce me to the suburban community you've made for yourself, the door opening and interesting topics of conversing.

Talk to me about the wall you had built but it broke down once you encountered what you thought was a love found while we search for the rest of its bricks, not to rebuild the wall but a home where we're comfortable enough to share these things with one another.

Forget gathering the sticks to build the bridge over the sea of yours fears, how about we dive in.. maybe even take a chance on drowning in this love and then floating from how high it'll make us.

Trust me enough to reveal the real.

and if you do welcome me in,
I can't promise I'll stay,
but theirs one deal I can make.

That space will no longer be the same.

- LaDonna

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