Teenage Girl

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I am a teenage girl, not dumb nor gullible.
I am far from easily influenced or hard of having common knowledge.
I am a teenage girl at the start of my young adult life,
and it'd be nice if your perspective of my capabilities were more than things that lessen me.
It'd be nice if you were more patient and compassionate towards my feelings.
The world will do enough breaking, so why not try assisting in the building of me?
I understand time waits for no one and I should stay on top of things,
still theirs no need to rush me into growing.
Listen to me when I express how I'm hurting.
Don't belittle me.
Stop trying to turn everything into a life lesson.
Don't cast your fears on me.
Stop projecting.
I am a teenage girl,
with a brain full of knowledge.
I am a teenage girl with capabilities past infinity.
I am a teenage girl, trustworthy and loyal in my personal acts of connecting.
I am a teenage girl.
and deserving of being treated as an equal.
I am a teenage girl,
and you and everyone else should know that,
it is not I who is not ready for the world,
it is the world that is not ready for a girl such as me.
From thirteen to nineteen,
the present turned to memories.

- LaDonna

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