A nice lunch

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You sigh as you follow mum down the stairs, when Nia says to mum, "I really think you should have given Kevin another diaper, he used his last one so much!"

"Nia, if that was you, you wouldn't want to someone saying that to you", mum replies.

"I wouldn't be a massive baby and use a diaper like that"

"Nia, please be quiet, I don't want other people to hear this conversation, there are many other people in this hotel"

"Ugh, fine"

You get constant looks as you walk towards the hotel door, presumably from people who saw you earlier, you choose to ignore them and continue walking.

You follow mum out of the hotel and onto paved path outside, with two directions, you follow Mum as she goes left on the path.

After a minute of walking you arrive at your destination, a nice-looking burger place.

Behind Nia and Mum you enter the restaurant, enjoying the smell and admiring the design, Mum guides you and Nia to a seat, she then goes to get a menu, you sit down, forgetting that you're wearing a skirt, and flash your pull-up to everyone one, causing a few people to stare, clearly enjoying your embarrassment, Nia says, "Better get used to wearing a skirt baby sis"

"I'm not a baby or a girl, besides I will be out off this stupid outfit soon", you reply, embarrassed at your current situation.

"We'll see, besides after that accident you'll still be in girly pull-ups for the rest of the trip", Nia replies while grinning.

You sigh, knowing full well that she's right.

Mum comes back with two menus, before saying, "Quickly, pick what you're ordering, I've already picked".

The menu features mostly burgers, off all different types, sizes, and flavours, as well as a few other things.
After a minute of pondering at the menu, you eventually pick a double cheeseburger with lettuce, and Nia picks chicken nuggets, for drinks you order a large lemonade, and Nia orders a small orange juice, Mum then goes to place the order, she comes back with a piece of paper with the order number on it, along with some other information.

After a few minutes your's, Nia's and Mums meals arrive, each supplemented by a small serving off chips, along with various sauces and salt and pepper.

You add ketchup to your burger, before adding some salt and pepper, you then tuck quickly into your burger, enjoying it very much, Nia and Mum are slower, but they also are clearly enjoying their meals. You continue eating your burger, while taking sips from your drink from time to time, around halfway through your burger you begin to feel a small sense in your bladder, you ignore it and continue eating, your eating gets slower and slower as you continue eating, about 3/4s way through you look around, it seems like Mum and Nia are nearly finished eating too, at this point the feeling in your bladder was stronger, it was clear you needed the toilet, however you still aren't desperate yet so you continue eating. By the time you are done you know have a pretty substantial feeling in your bladder, you finnish the rest of your drink, making sure not to waste any, before leaving the restaurant with Nia and Mum.

As you walk out Mum says,"Kevin, Nia, do you need the toilet, because there are some right there"

"I do, but I think I can hold it till we get to the hotel", You reply

"I also do a little bit, but I definitely can wait till we get to the hotel", Nia says, also replying to Mum.

"Good, let's head back to the hotel", Mum says, before heading towards the hotel.

You walk along, watching as the skies darken as the evening weather sets in.

After walking for a bit you arrive at the hotel again, now feeling quite the urge in your bladder. You follow Nia up two of the five flats of stairs towards your room, just then however you get a desperate feeling in your bladder, you then, not wanting yet another accident run ahead of Nia and Mum towards the room, luckily you arrive on time... Or so you thought, you attempt to enter the room but it's... LOCKED!

You stand there, desperately waiting for Mum with the key, but it's too late, you feel a small trickle of pee enter your pull-up, you do you best to stop it but it's no use, you feel the small trickle turn into a large flow of pee into your pull-up, as you feel your bladder as it completely empties itself into your pull-up. Just then, Mum, followed by Nia comes round the corner and towards you, Mum then, seeing that your once desperate face has turned into a sad, embarrassed face, says,"did you not make it?"

You nod your head as you feel tears well up I'm your eyes.

"Don't be worried Kevin, come on, let's get you changed out off that wet pull-up". Mum says in a calm, caring voice.

Mum then opens the door, you and Mum head to the changing table, while Nia goes to the toilet. Mum lifts up your skirt, revealing your soaked pull-up, before saying, "I don't think it could hold anymore, you peed quite a lot, maybe next time I will think twice before getting you such a large drink, are you glad your wearing Pull-ups now?"

You slowly nod your head, but just then
Nia bursts in, saying "mum, I made it to the toilet, unlike that baby there", while pointing to you

"Nia, don't be mean", Mum responds.

"But mum, it's true"

"No it isn't, Kevin isn't a baby, you used to have accidents all the time"

"Yeah, USED TO!, I haven't had had constant accidents in ages, and when I did it wasn't THAT much"

"Nia, I don't have time for this, anyway can you please go get a pull-up from your brothers room?"

Nia then runs off towards your room, then mum says, "ignore her, she's just happy she's not the one who I'm having to change"

Nia then runs into the room holding another girls night-time pull-up, she then hands mum the pull-up before saying, "Mum it's raining outside"

"Oh that's unfortunate dear, I was hoping to go out today, now can you give me and your brother some privacy", mum replies

"Ok mum", Nia says, before running out off the room.

Mum then changes her attention towards you and says, "Get up onto the changing table"

You sigh as you climb onto the changing table, you then lie down into the optimal position for a diaper change.

Mum quickly gets to work, undoing the tabs on the soaked pull-up before throwing it Into the bin, she then wipes down your privates before pulling the fresh pull-up onto your crotch.

You follow Mum into the living room where she looks out off the window and says, "it's definitely raining alright, we'll watch TV and play games for the next 2 hours until dinner time".

You do As said, and you three begin to waste 2 hours away- together.

16.8k views:), new longest chapter by far, it's 1217 words, compared to the second longest (please can I have a pull-up) with 745 words.

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