10. Unwell

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I woke up with my stomach rumbling. I groan clutching my belly while it makes strange noises. I think I fart a few times before standing up and running to the toilet, knowing fully well that next time a fart comes, it might have company.

I sit down with an explosion and I groan, hating the feeling. God, I didn't miss this feeling. Who knew that trying new food from a new realm would cause my stomach to fall apart?

I took a good while in the bathroom, and when I was finished, I opened all the windows wide and got into the shower. Maybe some cold water might dissipate my discomfort.

I come out to a maid placing a tray with food close to my bed making me grit my teeth to not complain. I was hungry and thirsty, but I didn't know if I should risk another party on the toilet.

"Thank you" I force myself to say.

The maid grunts, displeased to have to attend a human, and turns around, leaving another girl there.

"I'm here to take your measures," the girl says without looking at me in the eye, holding up a measurement tape.

I frown, confused as to why Phoenix would have sent her here.

"Uh... why?"

"Lord Phoenix told me to get your size for clothes"

I simply nod, knowing better than to fight her. I imagined she was a dragon too so I had no chance against her. 

She is quick in her task and soon she nods once she is ready and leaves without a word. I stare at the door closed, now alone in the room.

"Okay..." I mumble to myself and walk to the tray to see what they brought me.

It looked like chicken and mashed potatoes with green things that looked like beans and what I imagined were carrots.

I knew I had to fill my stomach after emptying it so I ate the food, though not all of it, scared to upset my stomach. Lastly, I swallowed all the water they brought me, feeling my throat dry.

I wished for some tea, but I didn't dare to ask for anything else so I went to the window to look outside until I got bored and went back to bed.

I needed to talk with Phoenix about my stay here, I couldn't just stay in this bedroom all day. If that was his intention, then at least he could provide some entertainment. I don't think he will want to see what a bored woman could do.

After sitting on the windowsill for who knows how long, I couldn't ignore the rumbling of my stomach anymore, so I jumped to the toilet and then lay down for a power nap, hoping that once I woke up, I might feel better, but that wasn't the case.

I woke up in a puddle of my own sweat. I felt not only my body burning, but also my insides. I groan getting in a fetal position, feeling my mind clouding. I felt bad and ill. I knew my body enough to know something was wrong with me, and it scared me because I didn't know what was wrong, which had my heart beating fast against my chest.

I wanted to look for help but I didn't trust the shifters here, and I don't think Phoenix would care enough to get me some help.

I close my eyes tight, feeling my consciousness slipping. I could only think that I wanted Brax close, to comfort me with his warmth.

 I could only think that I wanted Brax close, to comfort me with his warmth

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I never thought my life was lacking in something until Brax came into my life. When you live as long as I have, you tend to take things for granted, not really caring about certain stuff anymore. I thought I was fine with my monotonous life, but now that I look back at the past, I realize I was wrong for being okay with the way things were.

Now, with my son in my life, every day had something new awaiting me. My schedule was disrupted and it didn't bother me like I thought it would. Now I looked forward to spending my day with my son, taking some time off my duties, leaving them to my second in command, Deryl.

I knew being a single parent wasn't ideal. I wished to give my son the maternal love and care every hatchling deserved, but for now, I will make sure to give him all the love and care as a substitute and wish it would suffice.

The only thing that bothered me was that I was reminded every so often that Brax was under the care of that human for a week and I hated that my beast felt pride for the human for the influence she had on Brax. He approved of her and admired the good work she'd done.

He knew how to go to the fucking toilet when he needed to relieve himself. The way I expected Brax to make a mess when was time to bathe him but he behaved with some playfulness and a desire to play with the water. How he glided from furniture or from my shoulders to the floor, an ability they didn't learn by themselves.

And what infuriated me the most: was the way he snuggled against the human's shirt he ripped from her body.

This has been taking way too long. So far, the mages I contacted had warned that breaking his bond with the human might have second effects, or might scar him mentally, or might jeopardize his ability to create bonds in the future.

I, of course, didn't want to cause any pain to my son, to which the last mage, a female, advised me to come to terms that the human represents something special to my son and that breaking it off would only hurt him.

I had said before that Brax deserves a mother's love, and now that he has one, it would be cruel to take it away. I know that now.

I knew I couldn't bring myself to not hate the human for what she was, but maybe I could tolerate her for my son's sake.


So, who knows?

maybe Phoenix will stop being an asshole,

or maybe it is in his DNA?

I guess you'll need to keep reading for more!

I guess you'll need to keep reading for more!

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