68. Everything Happening

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TW: 🌶️🌶️🌶️  

The past two weeks had been full of events happening. 

First, I went dress shopping with a big group of women. My sisters Bianca and Anna joined me, then my sisters-in-law also joined and Carmen also came along.

We tried different shops in the human world, with Jeremiah and two other guards tailing us. But none has the dress of my dreams. Sure, there were some dresses that were close to the vision in my head, but they didn't have that spark, that magic... Maybe after spending so much time in a magical world such as the dragon realm, my expectation kinda went over the roof and I felt bad for dragging everyone from shop to shop just to leave empty-handed.

Until Jeremiah let it slip that his mother had been working on my dress for our mating ceremony since she met me, which shocked me because back then, Phoenix and I were still at odds and just breaking the ice.

So I gathered everyone and through a portal, we landed in front of Jeremiah's mother's shop. Bianca jumped over the portal like it was a ride from an amusement park, yelling a 'wii'. Ana on the other hand almost threw up. It's not like the portal made you feel differently, but I guess it made my truth all the more real.

When we entered and stood in the middle of the room, I scolded Jeremiah for not telling me earlier, and he lowered his eyes, his cheeks bright pink. Bianca couldn't pass the opportunity to pinch them, letting out an 'awww', which made Jeremiah even redder.

His mother was shocked when she saw us but soon was beaming and ushering us into the next room so she could show me the dress, which had all our jaws drop to the floor.

It was gorgeous, the kind of dress a princess or a queen would wear. It had that shimmer and magic I was looking for. It was perfect, and I was quick to put it on to show everyone, who clapped and cheered.

I wanted to do a little dance but didn't want to ruin the dress, so when I took it off and dressed again, I did a silly dance, in which everyone laughed. I thanked Meredith and asked her for the price, to which she shook her head. Telling me that after I wore one of her dresses to the celebration of Brax, her business had been doing extremely well and that as of now, she was looking for a bigger place to move her shop.

I simply nodded, saying goodbye, only to tell her right before leaving that I'd send her son back with her pay, and then closed the door.

I couldn't wait for Phoenix to see me in that dress.

I must admit though, I always thought I would be shopping with my mother, and it kinda hurt that her pride and attitude damaged our relationship to the point I didn't want her around. I felt her absence but I had to swallow my sadness and pain, I couldn't ruin the mood for everyone else.

Then, a few days later, it was time for Brax and his paternal cousins to meet. At first, it was awkward, the kids were shy from each other, but we prepared some games to break the ice and at the end of the day, the kids close to Brax's age were playing and fooling around.

There were eight kids in total, one adult, which was the oldest, and nineteen years old boy, two teens who were fifteen(boy) and fourteen(girl), and four younger kids, ten-year-old twins (boy and girl), a seven-year boy and a five-year-old girl who was the youngest.

The three oldest would be closest to the food, eating and chatting while staring and mocking the youngest kids while they played. We also got them some games to have fun like darts and pedro-pong which was like ping pong but instead, they used they half-shifted dragon arms to propel a rough pebble that was used as the ball.

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