"haven't seen you in a really long, long time"

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it's fluff so don't be surprised

(suggestion by grace!!! aka CTRL-NASA)

setting yet another box unopened in my rather big living room, I dab a towel on my sweaty forehead, letting out a sigh.

moving in isn't as easy as I imagined in the first place, but once everything is unpacked and set in place, I'm going to be more than happy and pleased.

I looked around, the house being empty and... dead looking. There was still much work that had to be done, and maybe, if I had a little helpful hand from someone, it would take less time and effort.

grabbing a water bottle from my fridge, I gulped down more than half of it, before closing the fridge's door with my leg and  glancing at my clock on the red kitchen wall.

opening my cabinet, I grabbed a nicely packaged box of chocolates with a bow on top, as I took a quick look of myself in the mirror, smoothing my black oversized shirt and spraying some perfume, getting ready to go.

I wanted to make a good first impression to my neighbour, who I still had yet to see or meet. I hope it ain't a karen, otherwise I won't be able to contain myself.

ringing the bell at their front porch, I glanced down on my feet, moving back and forth in anticipation.


that soft voice, kind off reminds me of someone, I can't really put my finger on who, though..?

with furrowed eyebrows, I raised my head, my eyes almost bulging out of my head at the person standing right infront of me.

"amira?" my jaw fell, as I was standing face to face with my ex, who I haven't seen in approximately 2 and a half years.

" 'fuck you're doing here? you became a stalker, or sum shit?" she asked lost and confused as to how we meet again.

"wha- no, of course not" I shook my head at her stupidity, continuing

"I just moved here, and wanted to make a good first impression to my  'neighbor' " I air quoted, getting more upset by the second.

"first time you tried it didn't work, so I don't know what you're on about" she told me, bitchiness lacing from her voice, although her eyes had softened.

I huffed, shaking my head in disbelief.

"still got that attitude of yours?" I nodded my head once towards her, laughing, as I tapped my finger on the box of chocolates.

"I don't know about my attitude, but you're still gorgeous as ever, I ain't gonna lie" she dragged her eyes from the bottom of my shoes, up to my face, checking me out.

I smirked, running my tongue over my grills, as I towered over her.

"won't you be polite and let me inside?" I whispered, looking down on her petite figure.

stumbling back a bit, she nodded her head lightly, before stepping aside to let me in.


taking my shoes off and leaving them by the door, I dragged my feet to her sitting area, taking a look around the clean, well kept house.

It was well organized, nothing out of place, every corner of her home was clean, just as I remembered her; well put together and always looking out for the smallest things.

I smiled to myself, thinking back to when she would yell at me for forgetting to place my dirty dish in the sink, or when I let her do my make up, the end result being horrendous, due to my failing in keeping my ass still.

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