Your dream about Ghost

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"Run away with me." Ghost voice was soft almost pleading. I ignore his request staring at my white laced wedding dress through the tall mirror before me. My fingers running down the fabric and I tilt my head in admiration. "Run away with me." He repeated in his husky voice and extended his hand to me.

My mind knew better but my heart attempted to scratch its way out to place my hand in his. Our eyes meet though our reflections, his muscular frame fitting nicely against his black tux, his hand remaining extended. "You know I can't do that." I answered taking a deep breath, twisting my body to face him.

"You can." Ghost tried to convince me. "Don't marry him." He shook his head slightly. "I love hi-" my response cut short with him ripping his mask off and making his way over to press his soft lips against mines. His lips wrapped mines gently, licking my lips in desperation.

He broke the kiss wrapping his large hands around my waist pulling me into him. "I love you, tell me you don't feel the same." His voice spoke softly against my lips with his forehead pressed to mines. His brown eyes peering into my soul for a response.

My eyes staring up through my eyebrows. They paced back and forth between his low softened eyes. "I do..but.." My voice trails and I glance down at the floor behind him. I had a lot of love for Konig but the passion I had with Ghost could never be matched with another man and I knew it. Ghost knew it.

"But?" He questioned gripping my chin pulling my head up forcing our eyes to meet again. "I can't just leav-" he placed his lips against mines once more making sure to keep my makeup intact. "Say you don't want me." His breath was warm against my lips as he spoke.

My silence was enough for him to grab my wrist and pull me out of the room and out the back of the reception.  The light shinned bright through my eyes making me squint. I raised my forearm to my forehead to block the ball of light in the sky.  Ghost let go of my hand and turned his body to face me. The brightness blocking out half his face only allowing his wide smile to appear and I couldn't help but smile back. He pulls me in close wrapping his hands around my waist and I close my eyes against his warm chest. The earth around us grew silent and only his husky low voice remained.

                                                                 "It's just you and me."

I open my eyes squinting till my eyes adjusted to the room.  The white walls were all to familiar.  The faint beeps of machinery growing more apparent as I came to. "You're awake." My head darts to Ghost sitting in a chair with his arms folded. "We thought we lost you sergeant." He places a firm hand on my shoulder. I stare into his low cold eyes still feeling what I felt in my dream for him. "You alright?" He made a face of concern and I clear my throat. "Yea..uhm just need some water." I force a smile. Ghost nodded and filled a cup and handed it to me before sitting back down.

"What happened?" I asked confused looking down, fiddling with the white paper cup filed with clear liquid. The dream I had seemed so real, I couldn't shake it. I had never looked at Ghost romantically before, it was a bit nerve wrecking. "You got shot in enemy territory." He shifted in his seat slightly. I glance over at him again wondering if the dream was what I actually felt for him all this time or if my mind was just messing with me. "I had a dream about you." I say softly feeling slightly embarrassed.

"What was it about?" The curiosity in Ghost voice made me not even want to elaborate on it. "You made me run away with you... I was getting married." I laughed nervously. "Really... Who was the lucky guy?" His voice shinned with amusement but a hint of something else I couldn't read.

"Konig." I chuckled fiddling with the paper cup once more.

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