Our last night with Ghost

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My hand gripped the handle of the knife tightly, This was my chance... possibly my only and if I wavered even in the slightest he'd wake up and end me. I hovered over his body in a trance as he dreamt peacefully. His deep husky snores that I had grown to adore filling the room. I had put in my best work moments ago. Allowing you to slide in as deep as you could, the feeling of his soft tip pushing against the spongy organ in my depths, stretching me.

His thick hands gripping the back of my shirt muddying it while guiding me as I straddled him roughly. God,I loved how you felt Simon. My body quivers slightly at the feeling of your warmth slipping out of me from our sweet releases. I felt a flutter in my lower stomach at the thought. I bite my lips...It's to bad.... In another life I would have fallen hard for you. I watch as your chest rises and falls deeply, his arms stretched out on the bed.

My eyes widen watching the crimson liquid pour out the holes I created staining the scrunched fabric under him. "Heh.. right.."  I chucked scratching my forehead with the tip of my thumb. He wasn't snoring, it was just gurgles from him choking on same liquid that poured out beneath him. 

I felt a cold sensation wash over me as my mind came to. A rush of clarity of my decision. I felt my heart race when the gurgles suddenly stopped and his muscular... soft chest, the one I laid on countless nights was no longer rising and falling.

The room had suddenly created an eerie silence only me and my thoughts remained.

The memory of betrayal and confusion in your eyes moments ago flooded my mind furiously. It replayed and replayed and replayed over and over. I push the palms of my hands to my face allowing the sweat to drench my skin. The feeling of the cold metal pressing against my face made me shutter. I couldn't help but laugh....... "what is this?"

Tears?......I was crying? It wasn't the sweat from my palms wetting my face "No..no..no.no.no.no" I shook my head violently and my feet rushed me next to you. The sound of metal hitting the floor broke the silence momentarily. My hands pressing on the multiple stab wounds of his life less body. My hands stained with his blood as they frantically pushed into his chest trying to revive him. "I didn't..." I mutter, my eye sight goes blurry and I force a blink sharpening my view of his blank dark eyes starring lifelessly at the ceiling.

The salty liquid that flooded my eyes hugged my cheeks before falling onto his bare chest filled with wounds. I pressed my backside against my calf and I stared at him in silence. Allowing the salty liquid to fill my lash line over and over again. Wiping my face with the back of my hand smearing his blood a-crossed my face each time.

I leaned down next to him and I rested my head against his chest just like  before I made my decision to take his life. I grabbed his arm and pulled it over me, making his cold fingers trace my cheek. "I love you Simon." I reached up and kissed his lifeless cold damp skin. I snuggled up next to him and I placed the blanket over us.  Wishing I could feel your warmth again.  The sounds of sirens blaring in the background growing louder and louder. The lights from the vehicles painting the room blue and red.

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