Bonus Chapter: A Wicked Mother

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"Something's off... He just seems so unhinged lately. Like something finally snapped. He started distancing himself from the boys again. From me even." I put my cigarette to my lips taking in a long drag before blowing it out. I flicked the ashes into the ashtray on my dinning room table.

"I tried talking to Bobby about it but they don't know shit. They're all just following his lead no matter the destruction he might cause." I took another drag.

"Crazy thing is. I don't think you would be able to get him straight even if you were here. You'd probably be pushing him even further away." I said letting out a humorous laugh.

"I tried throwing Wendy back into his face and he didn't even give her a second glance. That ship has sailed. Even with her taking care of the boys- he doesn't want her." I said with a sigh.

"The boys need their father. I just have to figure out a way to reel him back in." I nodded to myself. I turned my head to the back door when I heard a knock.

"It's open!" I called out. I watched as Wayne walked through the door. He looked like shit more than he usually did.

"Hey sweetheart." I said to him, flicking more ashes into the tray.

"Who you talking to?" He asked me and I gave him a shrug.

"Just the crows." I told him, bringing the cigarette to my lips again.

"You look like shit." I told him and he laughed walking over to the dining table and he took a seat next to me.

"Yeah well chemo will do that to you." He told me. I gave him a nod then reached over, grabbed the small decorative box on the table and slid it to him.

"Thanks." He said as he opened it and pulled out a joint. I leaned over popping open the lighter making it hissed to life.

"Thanks." He mumbled again as he took in a long drag and then it out slowly. I watched as his body seemed to relax a bit as he inhaled the smoke from the weed.

"You won't believe who was being brought in by an ambulance when I was leaving the hospital this morning." He said to me, I lifted up my mug to my lips waiting for him to tell me.

"You gonna make me guess?" I asked him and he breathed out some smoke.

"Lucas Monroe." He said and I gave him a puzzled look before I put it together who he was talking about.

"The general?" I questioned and he nodded.

"What for?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Don't really know. Apparently he fell out at the gun range. He looked pretty bad. Sick actually." He said. It had been years since I thought of him- or his daughter...

"Probably going to go see him later today. See how he's doing" Wayne said.

"Thought you two had a falling out." I said taking another sip and he shrugged.

"Yeah but he has no one. I doubt he has any other friends besides me." He said.

"He would if he wasn't such a mean son a bitch." I mumbled and Wayne chuckled.

"That's true, I'll probably still go see him. Just for old times sake." He said. Suddenly it was like a light had been switched on. I knew exactly how to get Jax to step back from the ledge that he was clearly on.

"I'll come with you." I told Wayne. He looked at me for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"I know that look Gem. What are you planning?" He asked me and I pushed myself from the table.

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