Change of Pace

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"Momma...Pancake.." I could hear Thomas say to Charlie.

"Okay baby..."Charlie said, pushing herself out of our bed. I could hear her own a drawer to her dresser and I assumed she put a shirt on.

"Boys are up, wake up baby." She told me before I felt her lips on mine. Kissing her back instantly. I groaned as I rubbed my face trying to wake myself up more. I felt as though I had just came to bed. I opened my eyes to see Charlie leaving the room with Thomas following her close behind. I sat up and winced at the pain coming from my side.

"Fucking Irish.."I grumbled as I checked the clock on the night stand. No wonder why I was so tired, I had only been home for five hours. Slowly and gently I pushed myself out of bed making sure not to bend my torso. Thanks to the Irish I had a nice gash on my left side. Chibs did the best he could to stitch me up. Walking into the hallway I could hear Charlie's voice singing from in the kitchen. The corner of my mouth tugged into a smile hearing her voice. She really could sing like a bird.

"So, take this love and take it down..Year and if you climb a mountain and ya turn around." I grinned at her once she looked over at me. She gave me a smile and then continued to sing. Walking over to her. I leaned down to rub Thomas' head. His hand was glued to Charlie's calf and I chuckled. Standing back up I kissed Charlie's temple and she turned to look at me. Placing a kiss on my lips.

"Morning." I told her and she smiled at me.

"Goodmorning." She said touching my bare chest, her finger tracing over her name that was tattooed right on my heart. It's been three months since Charlie walked back into my life. Charlie was acting like her normal self despite all the hurdles she had to over come since she came back to Charming. Gemma believed that had a lot to do with Thomas. From the moment he met her he loved her, and he really didn't want anyone else. Her tattoo shop was busier than ever. She spent all day there with clients. Some days if I didn't pop in there I wouldn't see her until dinner.

"Momma"Thomas said and a smile came across my lips every time I heard him call her that.

"Shit."Charlie said, turning back to the stove taking the pancakes off of the skillet.

"Sorry Thomas..I'll make you a new one, promise." She told him.

"Hey Buddy." I said walking over to Abel who was sitting at the table in the kitchen drawing in a sketchbook Charlie had gotten for him.

"Whatcha drawing?" I asked and he showed me.

"Picture for Momma."He whispered to me, placing his crayon back on the paper.

"How's your side, Baby?" Charlie asked me as she flipped the pancake in the pan.

"It's fine. Doesn't even hurt."I lied to her. A failed attempt at trying not to worry her. I groaned a little while trying to sit down at the new kitchen table. The boys had finally settled into the new house. They both seemed to enjoy it. Charlie recently bought for them a playground set then she had two of the guys from the club, Rat and Sam, build the swing set and sandbox for our boys in the backyard. Not to mention she had also turned a spare room in the house as their play room. She was spoiling them and I was letting her. I think it was part of her healing journey. She loved to see the boys smile and in return I loved seeing her happy.

"That's what I thought."Charlie said, once she heard my groan. She brought me a plate of pancakes, setting it on the table then picking up Thomas to put him in his high chair. She gave him some small cut up pieces of a pancake in the tray.

"Eat..I'll go get some pain killers." She told me and I sighed a little.

"I hate worrin' you." I told her and she kissed me.

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