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The moment I parted with 141 I had a bad feeling about this operation. My gut screamed at me as my anxiety grew, but there was nothing I could do.

Gun. Loaded.

Communicator. On.

I checked off all the boxes in my head. There wasn't much anyway, I had to take as little gear as necessary. The whole thing was supposed to be quiet and quick.

"Get ready to drop."

My coms rang out. I cursed under my breath as I unbuckled the seat belts holding me in place. I could see a clearing further away.

Weren't we supposed to stop there?

The helicopter swerved as the bullet's shot in our direction. One of them barely missed me, leaving a small wound on my ear. I held on for my dear life, looking over to the pilot.

He was shot right in the head. How lucky is that?

I need to jump.

It's my only chance.

I closed my eyes leaping out of the burning helicopter, free falling for what felt like an eternity, before I pulled on the handle, opening my parachute.

All the air left my lungs as I was jerked back from the force. I managed to land safely on the ground, I removed what was left of the parachute and started to breath fast, some of the smoke still left in my nose.

My right arm felt like it was burning and so did the right side of my hip. The fire scrunched my skin even through my gear, some of it exposing my body.

Did the pilot flew too far? Or were they already expecting me? Was this planned out? Did Persha knew about this?


I took a deep breath. I need to stay calm, I will connect with coms first.

I pressed on the communicator once.

"Captain, the heli is down. Copy."

No reply.

"I repeat. We have been shot. Copy."


What do I do?

I don't have any orders and no response.

Cover. I will find cover first and wait for a connection. I don't believe the line is empty. I will continue with the mission.

They can't just abandon me. But what if they did? What if I was supposed to be KIA.

Just like my brother.

I shuddered at the thought and began walking through the field. Leaving the crash site behind me. There was a rather big forest near by, luckily for me no one seemed to be stationed here.

I noticed a few booby traps along the way, I continued with a slow pace, making my way to the rundown containers. I entered their grounds, yet I still had no reply from central.

I passed the guards standing further away from the entrance, there was less people then mentioned in our meeting. They probably went to inspect my transport.

Better for me.

I entered the building through a broken window. They will soon know I may be around here. I need to be quick. Find the main room, office or whatever. Get the info and run.


It was quiet as I walked the halls, no one getting in my way. I felt my anxiety rise once again. Saying this was weird would be an understatement. This was supposed to be a heavily guarded facility. I wasn't supposed to move freely through the corridors.

Prey On | COD reader x Ghost & KönigWhere stories live. Discover now