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NOTE: A lot of stuff has been happening but I will try my best to continue on writing the chapters. I had some specials planned but sadly my mental health did not allow me to proceed with them. I love you guys, take care!

NOTE 2: I am writing this one after a month. I am sorry for not uploading anything. However trust me that I have some AO3 type of reasons for it. I promise I will try being more consistent after my finals are done!



My first thought as I woke up and looked at the ceiling.

That's not the color of my room.

This one was bright, the sun peaking through the window. It made me question just how long was I asleep. And what exactly happened the day before?

I looked around the room, there wasn't much in here. Just a few pieces of furniture, one for clothes and the other I could guess for personal belongings, as well as some knifes hanging off a rack for jackets. It reminded me of König's room, it was similarly empty and... sad... except a bit of danger spiked the air.

I was all alone, the warmth that engulfed me through the night was long gone and only then did I start to remember the events from yesterday.

The once warm embrace that had carried me to bed, the hands that massaged my body and cleaned it from any unwanted liquids. The sweet whispers still playing in the back of my head, reminding me of the precious way that someone handled me.

And what has happened that made me unable to take care of myself in the first place.

I quickly got up, throwing the sheets off of me, the sweet cologne I seemed to now be able to recognize filled my sense of smell. I walked into the bathroom and wiped the fog that covered the mirror, I looked at my once clear skin, now I could barely find it among the marks. The hickeys and bites adorned it. Placed all over my neck, collar bone, going all the way to my thighs, my fingers running along all the teeth marks and scratches, I could tell them apart just by memory alone.

I was so focused on the bites and bruises that my brain didn't even process why the mirror was fogged in the first place. Hot hands slid under the shirt I was wearing, making me shiver but also lean into their touch.

"Couldn't wait until I was finished?"

I was pulled away from the mirror as golden locks filled the crook of my neck, the soft nibbling on my skin making me let out a gasp. The warm arms wrapped around me, holding me close, preventing me from moving.

"Or did you wanted to take a peak? You know I will let you see my body any time..."

I couldn't even form a proper sentence at this point, I was slightly too overwhelmed by what was happening. The events of the previous night still replaying in my mind.

"Unless... it was my face you wanted to see?"

His voice got lower, but not in the affectionate kind of way. He still wasn't comfortable with me seeing his face.


I finally managed to get a word out, making him freeze all his actions. Maybe a realization of sorts has hit him.

"Did you not know I was here?"


He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but every other inch of his body was exposed to my eyes. All except his face. He buried his head in my neck, not letting me see anything else other then his hair and I couldn't stop myself from reaching my hand over to it.

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