Chapter 73

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The fact that Luo Juntian turned out to be her son was indeed a big shock to Gu Yuan. So much so that when everyone sat down to have a meal, she almost shouted "Teacher Luo, please sit down first", but the words were not spoken. At that moment, she realized that he was her son, not Teacher Luo.

Luo Juntian understood very well and said helplessly, "This is my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have concealed it at the beginning. Mom, please sit down."

As a mother, Gu Yuan sat down first.

After eating, Luo Juntian suddenly remembered something and asked with a smile, "Mom, I remember you mentioned before that you created a group for your sons; should I be included in it?"

As soon as he said this, Gu Yuan's face suddenly became a little awkward.

Her group has been quite active recently, and she will post photos of herself during filming in the group now that she has nothing to do. Her photos were mostly of herself wearing makeup; basically, the reason for her to post the photo was mainly to get rainbow farts (compliments) from her sons. Of course, Nie Yu gives all kinds of compliments, while Ji Qisen only says dryly, "Mom looks beautiful like this."

When she was chatting with Luo Juntian, she even talked about setting up a group for her two sons.

But there was one thing she didn't mention, and that was the name of her group; it was called Genius Baby Little Paradise.

     Who is Luo Juntian? Luo Juntian is her son, but he just became her son for a day. Before that, for a long time, he was Luo Juntian, the top actor in the entertainment industry, and a senior she admired.

How dare she let people know that the group name she created has such a shameful name?

So, Gu Yuan hesitated for a moment, but it was only a moment. She quickly understood that they were all her sons, and it was impossible for her not to pull him in, so she had to grit her teeth and say, "Okay, I'll put you in."

Luo Juntian nodded with a smile. Next to him, Ji Qisen held a fork expressionlessly. Nie Yu chewed his steak silently, with a look in his eyes as if he wanted to eat Luo Juntian like a steak.

After Luo Juntian entered the group, he couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Mom, the group name is..."

Gu Yan: "Why, you think it's childish, don't you?"

Ji Qisen and Nie Yu immediately shot their gazes at Luo Juntian, with such a great threat. If you dare to call it childish, they will tear you apart.

Luo Sinian glanced at Luo Juntian helplessly.

Luo Juntian smiled and shook his head. "No, I think it's cute."

That's pretty much it.

After dinner, Gu Yuan sent Luo Sinian and his son away. Luo Juntian glanced at his father and said, "Dad, I have something to do. I need to leave first. How about you say a word to mom?"

Luo Sinian pondered for a moment and nodded.

Luo Juntian said goodbye to Gu Yuan and drove away first.

So only Gu Yuan and Luo Sinian were left on the big lawn outside the villa.

One is an old man in his fifties; his temples are slightly stained with wrinkles, and his face also bears the sediment left by the years, while the other is in her prime, like daisies in early spring, at her best.

Gu Yan thought about the past events and didn't know how to speak for a moment. Finally, she smiled and sighed, and finally said, "Dr. Luo, I remember you telling me in front of the operating table that this was a life-or-death operation. If it succeeded, I would live, and you would achieve the greatest achievement in your life. If you fail, I will die, and your career will end. So that operation is a matter of life and death for you and me."

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