Chapter 33: Galaxy show (2)

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"Stop the car!" Chantel exclaimed and the call stopped immediately.

She got down from it and walk a bit further holding the phone tightly against her ear.

"Chantel please go, Don't listen to these Jerk!" Rana yelled over the phone. She could guess Rana is struggling to break free.

"Let her go, or this would stop being funny" Chantel warned.

"Let it not be funny, since you refuse to comply. How about I start by plucking out her eyes" The voice warn. The person sure someone really dangerous. She needs to buy more time.

"Yunno where people like you end? You end like chicken been roasted alive. I'm sure you've never seen a scene like that. Craving for death because of how much the pain is. Maybe your momma never taught you a good lesson when you were a kid.."

"What are you talking about?" The man sounds confused.

"I'm saying maybe you aren't bought up the way you want, is that the reason why you ended up like this?.."

"You know nothing about me so be quiet!" The voice yelled.

"I might not know you but judging from your incredibly stupid act. I guess you aren't someone worth to be even called a man...

At the place where Rana was been captured. In a dark room.

The dangerous tattooed man who was on the phone with Chantel frowned.

Is this woman crazy? Everything she's says is just out of point.

"Look Ma'am if you don't...."

"Allow me to finish dumbass. Can't you even respect the fact that I'm talking to you? If you are going to do something evil, allow me to finish talking. Maybe your brain would return back to normal...

The man checked his phone. Did he dailed the wrong number?

Rana already sensed what Chantel is trying to do. She is buying them some time.

A gunshot sounded and they all stood alert.

Chantel who heard this got shocked but then heard Rana's voice.

"You're doomed motherfucker" Rana spoke.

He went to grab Rana and place a gun on her head.

"Is this your doing Chantel. I guess you don't care about your... Ahhhh!!!!" The screamed agonizingly when a bullet hit his arm.

His other men made to shoot but was gun down at once.

The door opened and Enzo with some hefty armed men walked into the room.

Enzo raised the gun at the man and shot him several times on his arm, his arm fell off instantly and he scream so much in pain.

Rana was shocked by this.

"Ma'am she's safe. Thank you for buying us time" Enzo said over the phone.

Chantel who heard this, let out the breath she had been holding. If something happen to Rana then she won't be able to get herself together talkless of going to the show.

A rocye roll boat-tail stopped before her. She smiled when she recognized the car.

He made it..

She quickly open the door and get in. Immediately that happens, Dominic dragged her close to himself and kissed her. Chantel responded immediately placing her hand on his chest. He slide his tongue in, making her breathless. He missed her so much.

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