Chapter 37: Strict brother

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Silence dragged on for a while as soon as those words left her lips. Dominic couldn't help but stare at her in total shock. Her words repeated severally in his head.

"Dom" She called lightly wondering why the man is so silent. Maybe she shouldn't have said that. She got scared of hearing his answer.

"I.. uhm..." She began to stuttered.

Dominic draw her close and shut her up with his lips. It wasn't a rough one but a gentle one. Chantel broke the kiss, she wants a reply.

"Why you are trying to take it back?" Dominic asked, he lift his finger on her face to wipe the small tears on her face.

"Don't you feel the same?" She asked.

"Can't you tell? My actions defines it all. I love you so much Chantel. Everything about you just drive me nuts. I can't even stand it if I don't see you in a day. Having you in my arm feels like heaven. I'm so glad to meet a woman like you Wife.. I love you" He said.

Just the few words made Chantel to cry the more. She held her lips with a smile on her face.

"Hey stop crying, I didn't say anything sad" He raised his brow.

"I'm happy you idiot" she hit his chest.

Dominic grin at her act. "Come here" he demanded and she went close to resting her head on his chest while he pat her head gently.


Meanwhile at the hospital, Yulia's eyes slowly open. Her blurry sight cleared a bit and all she could see is white.

"Where am I?" She mumbled trying to get up. She found a pipe on connected to her hand.

"Miss!" Phoebe exclaimed going to sit beside her. She look so worried.

Yulia frowned looking around the place. She is in a hospital? "What's this? What am I doing here?" She asked.

"You fainted in the room. I was so worried when I found you" Phoebe said as tears find its way out of her eyes. She held Yulia hand but she jerk it away instantly.

"Don't touch me flirty thing, I guess I fainted out of shock" Yulia mumbled.

"No Miss.." Phoebe muttered and Yulia look back at her.

"What do you mean No?" Yulia raised her brow.

The door opened and the doctor walked into the ward with a file tightly glued to his chest.

"Hello miss, you're awake" The doctor greeted with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, when am I getting discharged. I have something to do" Yulia said. The thought of the Galaxy show incident is still clear on her mind and she won't give up until she sees Chantel's Downfall.

"Oh, you need to rest well for today because of your condition" the doctor said politely.

"What do you mean condition? I'm totally fine. My head just feel a little dizzy that's all..."

"Congratulations miss" The doctor said and she frowned deeper. Why the hell is this doctor congratulating her?

The next word made her head spin.

"You're pregnant"


Iris walked into her apartment, she found her manager waiting for her with her arm folded below her breast.

"Where were you? I've called and texted you so many times but you never return them. I wouldn't have found you if it wasn't for your post on your page that you are coming here" Mila raised her brow.

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