Chapter 4

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Chapter name- Marriage

Vyas house, Mr Vyas came inside. He saw Reema and Ananya sitting there. Reema and Ananya saw him and Reema started to fake crying. Ananya vame to her. " Maa, stop crying. " said Ananya. Mr Vyas came to them. " What happened? " asked Mr Vyas. Reema looked at Mr Vyas. " You know. Ishika, she left. " said Reema. Mr Vyas was confused. " What are you saying? " asked Mr Vyas. Ananya came to him. " Papa, she came home and then left with her boyfriend. And she also misbehaved with Maa. She said that ahe is pregnant and has no relation with us. " said Ananya.

Mr Vyas was very angry to hear this. " If this is the thing then, we also have no relationship with her. And no one will take her name in this house. " said Mr Vyas and went to his room. Reema and Ananya looked at each other and smiled, " Now she will never come back to this house ever again. " said Reema. Ananya smiled. " Yeah, you are right. " said Ananya.

The next day, Adit woke up before Agastya and Ishika. He looked at them and then sat on Agastya. Because of Adit's this act, Agastya and Ishika woke up. Agastya looked at Adit. “ Adi, what is this? ” asked Agastya. Adit didn't say and started to laugh. “ Okay. ” said agastya and started to tickle Adit. Adit started to laugh. Ishika also got a smile on her face. Agastya looked at Ishika. “ You change and then come down. ” said Agastya, “ Amm, I don't have anything to wear. ” said Ishika.

Adit came down and then looked at Agastya. “ Dad, let's take aunty for shopping. ” said Adit. Agastya came down the h and picked Adit. “ Adi, from now on you will call her Mumma. Okay. ” said Agastya. Adit smiled. “ Okay Dad. ” said Adit. Agastya and Adit came out of the room. Ishika closed the door and then went to the washroom. Agastya and Adit came down and saw Parth and Samarth.

Parth and Samarth looked at them. Agastya kept Adit down. “ Adi, you go and change. ” said Agastya, “ Okay Dad. ” said Adit and went to his room. Agastya sat down with Parth and Samarth. Samarth kept his hand on Agastya's shoulder. “ So, what have you decided? ” asked Samarth, “ Me and Ishika are getting married. ” replied Agastya. Parth and Samarth looked at each other and smiled.

“ That's nice. So now you can tell uncle and aunty about the marriage. ” said Parth, “ Yeah, they will be the happiest people on the earth. ” said Parth. When Agastya saw Annie coming. “ Annie, do you have something that Ishika could wear? ” asked Agastya, “ Yeah, I have. ” replied Annie, “ Then just go and give it to her. ” said Agastya, “ Okay. ” said Annie and went to her room. She picked a dress and came to Ishika's room.

Annie knocked the door. “ Who is it? ” asked Ishika, “ Ishika, it's me Annie. Open the door. I have got some clothes for you. ” said Annie. Ishika opened the door and looked out. Annie smiled. “ Ishika, here. Wear this. ” said Annie. Ishika took that dress with a smile on her. “ Thanks Annie. ” said Ishika. Annie then left from there. Ishika stood in front of the mirror. The dress that Annie gave Ishika was a white long dress.

Ishika wore that dress and that dress was longer than her knees. Ishika picked her bangles that were kept on the table. Then she came down. Agastya was looking at Ishika only. When someone held his ear. “ Ouch.” said Agastya. Ishika looked there. She saw a lady whose age was around 40-45 standing there holding Agastya's ear. “ Ouch Maa. ” said Agastya. This lady is Agastya's mother, Meena Singhania.

Agastya's father, Nikhil and younger brother Dhurv came inside. Meena looked at Agastya. “ It's good that Adi called me otherwise I would never have known that you have decided to get married. ” said Meena, “ Very good Maa. He deserves this. ” said Dhurv. Agastya looked at her. “ Let Maa leave me. Then I will see you. ” said Agastya. When Meena saw Ishika. Medna left Agastya's ear and then came to Ishika. “ Ishika? ” said Meena. Ishika smiled and touched Meena's feet.

“ Stay happy. And. ” said Meena. Meena picked Ishika and hugged her. “ Daughters don't touch our feet. They are kept near our heart. ” said Meena. Ishika was a little emotional. She didn't get any love from her parents. “ Thanks aunty. ” said Ishika. Meena made a face. “ Not aunty, call me Maa. ” said Meena. Ishika smiled. “ Okay Maa. ” said Ishika. Nikhil came there. Ishika also touched his feet. “ Stay happy my child. ” said Nikhil with a smile.

Adit came there. He was in a small bathrobe. “ Mumma, help me get ready. ” said Adit. Meena, Nikhil and Ishika looked at Adit. Ishika smiled and came to Adit. Ishika picked Adit. “ Okay Adi. I will help you. ” said Ishika and took Adit to his room. Agastya came to Meena. “ Maa, me and Ishika are getting married today. ” said Agatya, “ That's very nice. ” said Nikhil. Meena looked at Agastya. “ And what about the wedding shopping? ” asked Meena, “ The lehenga is here. ” replied Ruhi while coming inside.

Ruhi is Parth's younger sister. Ruhi came to Meena. “ Aunty, here. Ishika bhabhi's wedding dress. ” said Ruhi, “ Aww. ” said Meena and hugged Ruhi. Ishika and Adit came out. Adit looked at Ruhi. “ Ruhi Bua. ” said Adit and ran towards Ruhi. Ruhi looked at Adit and then picked him. “ My Baby. ” said Ruhi. Adit kissed Ruhi's cheeks. Samarth made a punch. “ This 2 feet 3 inches is getting very close to my Ruhi. ” said Samarth in his mind.

Ruhi kept Adit down and then looked at Ishika. “ Hi Bhabhi. I am Ruhi, Parth's younger sister. ” said Ruhi, “ Hi Ruhi. ” said Ishika with a smile. Dhurv came there. “ Hi Bhabhi. I am your youngest brother-in-law, Dhurv. ” said Dhurv. Ishika smiled. Agastya came to Ishika. “ Let's get ready. We have to get married also. ” said Agastya, “ Okay. ” said Ishika.

Annie and Ruhi took Ishika to the room. Agastya went to the room to get ready. Adit went with him. Ishika wore the red wedding lehenga. She came out of the washroom. She sat in front of the mirror and then Annie and Ruhi started to get Ishika ready. Annie did a little bit of make-up on Ishika's face. Ruhi made Ishika wear the jewelry. Ishika, Annie and Ruhi came down. Agastya, Adit, Dhurv and Samarth were looking at them.

Meena and Nikhil came there. “ Let's go. ” said Meena. Everyone came out and then sat in the car. The drivers took the car from there. They reached the temple and walked towards the mandap where a pandit was sitting. Agastya and Ishika sat down. The pandit started the mantras. “ Now the bride's brother or sister will come to tie the knot. ” said the pandit. Ishika looked at Agastya. Agastya smiled and looked at Samarth.

Samarth sat down and tied the knot. Ishika smiled. Agastya and Ishika got up and took the pheras. They completed the pheras and then sat down. Agastya picked the mangalsutra and tied it around Ishika's neck. Then Agastya picked a pinch of sindoor in the middle of his fingers. Agastya picked Ishika's mangtika and filled her maang.

A little bit of sindoor fell on Ishika's nose. Agastya was about to clean it when Ishika stopped him. “ Don't clean this. If the sindoor falls on the nose of the bride then the love between the couple increases. ” said Ishika. Agastya smiled.

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