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My finger scrolls down on my brightly lit screen just as my mind reminds itself to check the time.

Ah shit.

I place my phone down and begin to pack my bag for my private lesson.

Coach Campbell texted me while I was out yesterday, dress shopping. She wants me to come in to go over my routine - and to finish it.

My competition is next Saturday.

I usually don't get nervous over these things but my routine is almost always finished by now. I don't know why it has taken Campbell so long to wrap it up.

I glance down at the small gloves that lay next to my bag and ponder on whether or not to pack them.

I usually leave them at home but today I think they'll come in handy.

I grab the two pieces of hand shaped fabric and place them down into my bag. My hand tugs at the zipper and gently closes my duffle bag together.

"Jules!" my mom calls from downstairs.

"Yes?" I shout back.

No response.

"Ugh," I scoff as I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. My feet make their way down the stairs and into the living room. "Yes?" I repeat.

My mom takes her eyes away from the TV and looks towards me. "Marie Campbell wants to have a private lesson with you-," she pauses. "-and it looks like she already let you know," she cuts herself off.

I nod. "Yeah, she texted me yesterday while I was out," I explain.

My mom takes a bowl of fruit into her grasp and points her attention back towards the muttering show. "Let me know when you'll be home so I can start making dinner," she stammers back to me.

"Will do," I agree. My body shuffles towards the front door, out of the house, and into my car.

I really hope this lesson goes by fast, I'm so tired.


As I walk through the familiar doors, I spot the hockey team on the ice.

It's their usual time to practice but I didn't think I'd be having to work in rink two, the smaller one.

The slapping of the puck gains my attention. I stride over to the glass and watch in on practice for a moment.

It looks like it's going good today, there's less yelling unlike the past couple of days.

A buzz from my pocket reminds me of why I'm here. My eyes unfocus from their practice and I begin to walk over to rink two.

I place myself onto the bleachers and begin to unpack my items.

Moments later, I'm skating onto the ice, t-stopping in front of Coach Campbell.

Coach glances up at me then looks back down at her phone.

I stare down at her, waiting for a minute or two but she still doesn't budge.

"Coach?" I speak softly.

"Hm?" she mumbles.

Nice to see where her attention is..

"Are we starting or did I come too early ?" I ask as a statement rather than a question.

"You're on time," she quickly responds.

I stand still before looking around the rink.

I'm usually never in here and usually.. no one is either.

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