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I've been forcing Lukas to come to the rink everyday, even during private ice times.

If he really wants to be my partner, he needs to get as much practice in as he can.

On the bright side, I finally get to work with Rowan today and Lukas was weirdly bummed about not coming in early for figure skating. It's as if he's actually starting to like it or something.

I know he isn't though, you can see it on his face every time I have him work on a basic jump.

Pushing the thoughts of him out of my head, I'm excited to work with Rowan.

Rowan actually knows what he's doing so I feel like this'll be the most productive rehearsal I've had this entire week.

I lace up the rest of my skates and glide onto the ice. I always like doing two laps around the ice, just to warm myself up.

As I finish the last lap, a somewhat unknown presence enters the rink.

I glide over to the wall to try and greet them and realize it's Rowan.

My mouth slightly drops at just the sight of him. He's tall with messy black hair, he has fair skin and a slim face, he has a toned build, and his eyes are a piercing blue and they intimidate me in a strange way.

I knew Rowan was cute because I stalked his Instagram but I never thought he'd be even more attractive in person.

"Hey, I'm Rowan," he states as he reaches out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Juliana," I answer as I take his hand to shake it. His hand is firm but releases once we greet each other.

When I meet new people, it's usually awkward between us but it's not awkward with Rowan. Besides the fact that we've been texting some, it's all been professional. I don't know much about this guy but I feel like him and I are going to get along just fine.

"Have you watched our routine?" he questions as he finishes lacing up his skates.

"Yeah, I think it's really good and I love how it gives us both time to equally shine," I mention with a nod.

"That's what I like about it too. Most routines I've done, I just lift the girl and stand in her shadow and that's what I've been taught all my life to do. So to finally get even fifteen seconds of fame, it makes me happy," he starts to explain as he enters the ice.

I follow closely behind him and glide around him slowly. "Not to sound like an overachiever but.. do you know the whole routine?" I question knowing that my answer is yes. I've watched this routine more times than I can count and I just got the routine on Monday. I sometimes catch myself doing the motions in my bed as I'm trying to fall asleep.

"I do," he states with a smirk. "I'm guessing you do too?" he continues.

I nod.

"Then let's start the music and see how far we can get," he suggests as he glances over at me.

I skate over to the wall and start the music. I quickly glide back over to my starting position and pose.

As the music starts, I stay in place as Rowan gets a quick verse to showcase his skills. My job during this time is to just react to what he's doing and it's not hard to hide the faces I'm making. He's so good. My partner last year, Theo, he was great but Rowan.. he's amazing.

His verse ends and the chorus hits.

Our hands connect with each other and we begin to travel side by side on the ice. The two of us move at the same speed, not leaving space to get off tempo.

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